Chrissy Teigen Has Trolled Donald Trump For Nearly A Decade & Here's The Full Timeline
Celebrity relationships and friendships are a rare breed. These famous faces have their lives played out in front of the masses, whether it’s the good, the bad, or the straight-up shady. In Elite Daily’s new series, It’s Complicated, we’re highlighting the biggest celebrity “feuds” that took over Hollywood and dominated our Sunday brunches for weeks on end. We’ll take a deep dive into the lives and social media feeds of our favorite stars and dissect what happened in front of the camera, what went down behind the scenes, and everything you might have missed in between.
Not a lot of people have consistently hated Donald Trump for as long and as publicly as Chrissy Teigen has. Sure, lots of people are open about it now, but Chrissy Teigen has spoken of her complete distaste for him long before Trump running for president was even a blip of any of our radars. (Oh, how I wish we could go back to that time.) The timeline of Chrissy Teigen and Donald Trump's feud is a lengthy one, but luckily for us, most of it has been documented on Twitter.
Teigen has publicly hated on Trump for years, and Trump's biggest response to her years'-worth of tweets was to block her back in July of 2017. After nearly a decade of Teigen trolling Trump on Twitter and speaking in public settings about her feelings toward him, Trump finally blocked her after she tweeted "Lolllllll no one likes you" in response to one of his tweets on July 23, 2017. On July 25, 2017, she tweeted, "After 9 years of hating Donald J Trump, telling him 'lol no one likes you' was the straw."
Later that week, Teigen told People the block had "been a long time coming." “I have been very anti-Trump since The Apprentice, like when it first started," she said, "so it didn’t start during the presidency like everyone thinks. This goes pretty deep.” Teigen continued, "And I don’t even follow him, so I’m definitely fine being blocked. There’s just this part of me that’s so happy that he had to actually do that. It’s just funny.”
In order to really understand Teigen's long-term hatred of Trump, you have to read the receipts. So let's take a look at all the times Teigen and Trump feuded on Twitter, even though Trump barely responded to her at all (which is telling). To be fair, Teigen has tweeted at/about Trump so many times over the last decade that it's entirely possible I missed some of the tweets. Her commitment to this runs deep.
March 9, 2011: Chrissy Teigen And John Legend Attend The Comedy Central Roast Of Donald Trump
Teigen and Legend attended the Comedy Central Roast of Trump on March 9, 2011. That's two years before they even got married, guys. Can you imagine hating someone so fervently for so long, and then they literally become President of the United States? You can't make this stuff up.
Teigen tweeted while she was at the roast, but this was long before she was crowned the queen of Twitter, so it got a lot less attention than it would have if this roast were happening now. (I just liked it because only six people had... if this gets me noticed by Teigen, I'M IN.)
She tweeted on March 9, 2011, "At the comedy central roast of trump. Hands down the best room I've ever been in." She said in a follow-up tweet, "I just peed myself in awkward jokeness."
May 9, 2011: Teigen Tweets About Accidentally Being In A Trump Building
On May 9, 2011, just a few months after she attended the Trump roast, Teigen tweeted, "Just realized I am at a Starbucks inside a Trump building. I knew it smelled psychotic and racist here." Trump didn't respond to the tweet. (He didn't respond to most of Teigen's tweets about him, so if that's what you're waiting for here, don't hold your breath.)
Oct. 24, 2012: Teigen Trolls Trump's Self-Promotion On Twitter
On Oct. 24, 2012, Trump did some PR for himself and tweeted about a story written about him that was being published that day. He tweeted, "Story will be released today." Teigen quoted the tweet and said, "I literally pose half naked for a living and u are still the biggest attention whore I know." (This was back when Teigen was still modeling full time.)
Nov. 25, 2012: Teigen Trolled The Miss Universe Pageant
Owned by Trump at the time, Teigen tweeted at the pageant's owner saying, "I wanna be miss universe but I need your word you won't hold me calling you a racist pig against me okay." It doesn't seem like she was serious about competing in Miss Universe, though. This looks like just another example of her trolling Trump and everything he does.
Dec. 21, 2012: Teigen Tweets A Gentle Reminder At Trump, Just In Case He Forgot How She Feels About Him
In probably her most blatant tweet out of this entire history, she said, "@realdonaldtrump hey! been a while. I f*cking hate you." Noted.
June 14, 2016: Teigen Wished Trump A Happy Birthday
This is one of my favorite Teigen Trump Tweets™. On the guy's 70th birthday on June 14, 2016, Teigen tweeted "@realdonaldtrump happy birthday." The tweet included a screenshot of Twitter's instructions on how to deactivate your Twitter account. An iconic move if I ever did see one.
Aug. 20, 2016: Teigen's Trolling Continues Making Fun Of Trump's "Make America Great Safe And Great Again" Message
Just a few months before the 2016 election, Trump tweeted from the campaign trail, "Thank you Michigan. This is a MOVEMENT. We are going to MAKE AMERICA SAFE AND GREAT AGAIN! #TrumpPence16." Teigen responded to the tweet saying, "The only movement you know is bowel," and the internet was shooketh.
Please note that we are five years into these tweets and Trump hasn't responded to anything Teigen has said.
Oct. 1, 2016: Trump Complains About Losing The Debate To Hillary Clinton And Teigen Is Here For None Of It
Trump tweeted, "I won the debate if you decide without watching the totally one-sided 'spin' that followed. This despite the really bad microphone." Leave it to Trump to blame him losing a debate on everyone and everything other than himself. Teigen, having none of this, responded, "How long are you going to whine about this for? Why are you such a child? You are SEVENTY."
Feb. 3, 2017: Just Another Prime Example Of Teigen's Excellent Trolling Skills
Trump tweeted, "We must keep 'evil' out of our country!" I don't know why he needed to put "evil" in quotes, but Teigen clapped back, "What time should we call your Uber." LOL.
March 20, 2017: Teigen Wishes For His Impeachment
In one of many of his tweets about the Russia probe, Trump said in a series of two tweets,
James Clapper and others stated that there is no evidence Potus colluded with Russia. This story is FAKE NEWS and everyone knows it! The real story that Congress, the FBI and all others should be looking into is the leaking of Classified information. Must find leaker now!
Teigen replied, "Every day, twice a day, at 11:11, I wish for your impeachment."
July 17, 2016: Teigen Calls Out Trump's Presidential Campaign After He Attacks Elizabeth Warren On Twitter
Trump tweeted, "If Goofy Elizabeth Warren, a very weak Senator, didn't lie about her heritage (being Native American) she would be nothing today" on July 17, 2016. Elizabeth Warren tweeted back at him saying, "Nasty name-calling & lies about my family aren’t going to shut me up, @realDonaldTrump. Is that really all you’ve got?"
And then, Teigen threw her name into the ring by tweeting, "Your entire campaign is built on lies that your supporters are too lazy to fact check. good god, I hate you." If she hadn't made herself clear at this point, she made her feelings even more plain in February of 2017.
Feb. 5, 2017: Teigen Details Her Long History Of Trolling Trump In A Red Carpet Interview With USA Today
Chrissy Teigen and John Legend spoke with USA Today about her feud with Trump back in February of 2017. When asked about when she decided to read Trump's tweets for filth every time he tweeted something, Teigen responded, "I've actually been a big Donald Trump hater [for a long time]. I've been trolling him for about 5 to 7 years now." Legend chimed in saying, "He's been an assh*le and a sh*thead for a very long time, so Chrissy noticed that very early on, so America's just getting to see all of [her trolling] in its full glory now, but it's been clear for a long time."
Teigen added, "I've been doing this forever, and I take pride in that. If you can go back and read my old ones, I literally was like, 'You're the f*cking worst' many, many years ago." Legend piped in one more time saying, "He's exactly the opposite of what a person should be like."
Then Teigen wrapped things up by saying,
I can't believe that somebody could actually do this all day every day and be president. I could go on forever. I just think he's the most vile f*cking person on this planet. If I mysteriously go missing in the next four years, that is what happened.
June 28, 2017: Teigen Tells Trump To Grow Up After He Tweeted About "The Failing New York Times."
Trump tweeted, "The failing @nytimes writes false story after false story about me. They don't even call to verify the facts of a story. A Fake News Joke!" Teigen replied to his tweet and said, "You are 71 f*cking years old. Grow. The f*ck. Up." Honestly, is she wrong?
July 2017: Trump Blocks Teigen On Twitter.
She talked about him blocking her in an interview with Access Hollywood on July 26, 2017. In the interview, she said she wasn't going to take much pride in being blocked for too long because "at the end of the day, he is our president" and everything he tweets should be a serious matter.
She said,
It was bound to happen. I was surprised at the one that got me blocked because it was a very throwaway comment. I've definitely said worse. But it's so funny to me. It's so silly. Actually, it's not silly. He's our president, so it's kind of a big deal. But I'm not going to take glory in it for too long because at the end of the day, he is our president. And it's getting weird.
Jan. 3, 2018: Teigen Pretends To Be The Host Of Trump's "Fake News Awards" Red Carpet
I don't even know how to even begin to explain Trump's "Fake News Awards." He said he was going to stage an "award show" to highlight the media outlets he felt were the most dishonest and corrupt. He announced he was putting together this show on Jan. 2, 2018 in a tweet that said,
I will be announcing THE MOST DISHONEST & CORRUPT MEDIA AWARDS OF THE YEAR on Monday at 5:00 o’clock. Subjects will cover Dishonesty & Bad Reporting in various categories from the Fake News Media. Stay tuned!
You could tell me this was part of the script of a Charlie Brown special and I would believe you. Teigen didn't pass up the opportunity to troll this, of course, so she tweeted saying that she was going to be hosting the red carpet for the event. Her tweet said, "Excited to hose the red carpet LIVE at 'The Most Dishonest and Corrupt Media Awards'!!! Be sure to tune in!!"
Jan. 17, 2018: Teigen Trolls Trump's "Fake News Awards" Even More By Pretending She Set Up The Actual Event On Twitter
The awards were supposed to go down on Jan. 8, 2018, at 5 p.m., but they were postponed until Jan. 17. Trump said in a tweet that the delay was due to people's interest in the show reportedly being "far greater than anyone could have anticipated," but as the end of Jan. 17 came closer and closer, it looked like the awards weren't actually going to happen.
Teigen took advantage of Trump's silence on the award show by staging one herself. She drew cartoon placeholders of the people who were reportedly going to be "honored" during the show, like CNN'S Jake Tapper (she hilariously labeled his placeholder "Fake Tapper"). The video pans through the empty seats and eventually passed Teigen, who's looking red carpet ready but very bored. How is she supposed to host the red carpet if no one is there?! It's a perfect video to round out the timeline of this feud.
To sum all of this up, Chrissy Teigen is the OG Trump hater and her history of trolling him should go down in history books one day. God bless you, Chrissy.