The Spiritual Meaning Of The May 2020 New Moon Is About Your Evolution

The New Moon In Virgo Is About Getting Organized & Working Hard

by Roya Backlund
Originally Published: 

Do you feel all out order? Like you've got so much on your plate and you don't know where to even begin? Fear not, because you've got a powerful opportunity to start fresh. When the new moon in Virgo 2019 takes place, it's the perfect time to absolve yourself from all the chaos and anxiety currently taking up space in your life. This phase of the lunar cycle is a moment of clarity and release, encouraging you to set an intention that you can nurture and grow over the course of the next six months, when the corresponding full moon takes place. Believe me, if you make a point to start something on the new moon, it will give you that extra boost of energy and motivation. Even if you decide to let go and allow the new moon to affect you in its own way, you'll still see something incredible come to fruition by the time of the full moon in Virgo 2020.

However, this new moon is supercharged with positive energy and you'd be remiss in letting it pass you by. There are so many ways to harness the energy of a new moon. You could simply draw yourself a bath, meditate, and then jot down some goals. If you're the more spiritual type, you could perform a ritual about letting go of the past or a ritual about attracting something new into your life. Regardless of what you decide to do, know that Virgo is an incredibly practical, logical, and intelligent zodiac sign that loves to map out a plan and follow it up with concrete action. This new moon is about rolling up your sleeves, getting your hands dirty, and building something from the ground up.

The New Moon In Virgo Takes Place Aug. 30 At 6:37 a.m. ET


There's no way you won't feel the rush of Virgo's energy on this new moon because it involves an intense conjunction with Mercury, Venus, and Mars. With all of the inner planets working together, you can truly transform so many different facets of your life with its power. The cosmos are laying it on thick, and since Virgo is famous for its detail-oriented, strategizing, and organizational abilities, this new moon will help you refine your projects, relationships, and ideas in a meaningful way.

Whatever you decide to begin on this new moon is also being given some stability, because luckily, it will form a trine with Saturn, planet of boundaries and discipline. This energy will help you banish any tendencies to stop and start, giving you the momentum and the wherewithal to see it through to the end. Saturn loves reaching the finish line, no matter how long it takes. Since this new moon will also form a trine with revolutionary and radical Uranus, there will be plenty of fresh takes to be had. Uranus is always trying to do away with tradition and ignite the spark of something brand spanking new. With the electrifying influence from Uranus, you have the power to try something you've never done before or embrace a newfound independence.

The one thing to keep in mind on this new moon? It — along with Mercury, Venus, Mars, and the sun — will form a square with over-the-top Jupiter, which really ups the ante and spices everything up with some drama. This could stoke the fire of your desire and make you feel hungry for more, no matter how much you know something might not be good for you. Keep your impulses in check and remember there are consequences to your actions.

No matter what, this new moon will show you a way to reach your goals. Just remember to jot them down.

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