
This Grocery Store Was Made For The 'Gram & You Need To See It To Believe It

If you love food and all things cute, you and I are on the same wavelength. That's why I know for sure that you will fall in love with the new art exhibit, Sparrow Mart, located at The Standard Hotel in Downtown LA. This certainly isn't your typical grocery store. There's actually nothing edible in sight, because everything in this supermarket is made of felt. The felt grocery store in LA is an arts and crafts lover's dream, and you really need to experience it first-hand.

Pretty much anything that would go on your next shopping list, you can find in Sparrow Mart, but it's made of felt and hand-painted. This place is truly Instagram #goals, so you know it needs to be your squad's next outing. The exhibit comes from the mind of Lucy Sparrow, a British artist who is known for her felt Bodega that made its appearance at The Standard Hotel, High Line last year. This time around, it's a supermarket, and if you're dying to see it for yourself, you'll need to visit the Standard Hotel in LA before Aug. 31, when it closes. The Sparrow Mart is open Tuesday through Sunday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. each day.

I made a shopping trip to the Sparrow Mart this past weekend, and it was everything I wanted and more.

Rachel Chapman

My mission was to find felt Oreos for my sister, but I ended up with a shopping cart full of goodies. The exhibit itself is completely free to see, but you can also buy whatever you want from the shelves. According to the website, there are more than 31,000 hand-painted and sewn grocery items for purchase, including cute AF vegetables and sushi, some of your favorite snacks, an entire candy section, and even some VHS tapes, featuring movies like Footloose and Dirty Dancing.

You can take home your very own felt food (for purchase).

Rachel Chapman

The goodies vary in price, with some being as low as $10 for a cute Brussels sprout, to a $60 can of Spam. I ended up leaving with my very own shiny can of Coca Cola that was $35 and totally worth it.

I personally loved the meat section, and seriously fell in love with the chicken breasts and ground beef. (I mean, look how adorable they are! I'm swooning over here.) But just like any grocery store, you can also shop for things other than food, including paper towels and even Pepto Bismol.

Every corner of Sparrow Mart is made for the 'Gram.

Rachel Chapman

When I say it's a felt grocery store, I mean even the ATM machine and refrigerator door handles are made of felt. You'll want to snap a pic of everything you see, and upload straight to Instagram. Don't forget to grab a basket while you're strolling around the store to get some action shots of you grabbing your favorite items.

Just like any other grocery store, there are some last-minute finds, like gum and candy when you're checking out. You'll be tempted to grab it all. I know I was, but I refrained and walked away with just the Oreos and coke can. (Now, if only actual grocery shopping was this much fun, I might be a responsible adult and do it more often.)