The Perfect Disney Halloween Costume For You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Everyone has a favorite Disney character and/or Disney movie. I'm sure you probably say, "OMG, there are so many, I can't decide"... but you and I both know the truth. Thanks to the secrets hidden in the stars, however, there's one perfect Disney Halloween costume for you, based on your zodiac sign, and I'm here to tell you what it is.
The thing about Disney is that there are so many incredible characters to choose from, which becomes a challenge in itself. Then again, this is exactly where the magical perks of astrology come in. It doesn't matter whether you're a sensitive water sign who prefers the dreamy aesthetics, or a feisty fire sign with a very big personality, because there are plenty of Disney vibes to go around.
Also, feel free to consider your sun, Venus, and rising signs, because they all play a role in your personality. Besides, it's always more fun when you know how to play the part, right? With that being said, make sure you get your costume ready long before the Mercury retrograde shadow on Oct. 31. Yes, the curious messenger planet will station retrograde on the morning of Halloween, so no last-minute shenanigans.
Here's the perfect Disney costume for you, according to your zodiac sign:
Aries: Star Wars' Princess Leia Organa
You're a fierce leader, Aries. Like you, Star Wars' Princess Leia knows a thing or two about playing the battlefield, so it won't be hard to cosplay the part of one of the galaxy's great heroes. May the force be with you on All Hallow's Eve.
Taurus: Maleficent's Princess Aurora
You're royalty, Taurus. Princess Aurora is not only glamorous, she's also a beauty; hence, the Sleeping Beauty reference. With the help of your gorgeous ruling planet, Venus, you'll slay this fairy tale like no one else on Halloween, looking like (once upon) a dream.
Gemini: The Incredibles' Mrs. Incredible
You're a brilliant communicator, Gemini. So much so, your powers of persuasion would probably make you the face of a superhero campaign, as it did for Helen Parr, aka Mrs. Incredible, aka Elastigirl. Better start stretching, dear Gemini — you're going to need to stay flexible on the spookiest night of the year.
Cancer: Mary Poppins
A spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down, Cancer. Aside from your maternal ways and adorable sense of humor, Mary Poppins is 100 percent your alter ego. You'd also be the best babysitter ever.
Leo: Frozen's Princess Anna
You're adorable, Leo. Aside from being a big kid at heart, you're also so much fun to be around. Anna from Frozen totally reminds me of your childlike nature and caring personality. I bet you even want to build a snowman right now, despite the lack of snowy weather.
Virgo: Aladdin's Princess Jasmine
Princess Jasmine is righteous and brilliant, but she's also a sassy young woman. Ring a bell, Virgo? You like to keep your word, and you always say what's on your mind, especially if it's for a good cause. No one's ever had a friend like you — so portraying the Arabian princess on Halloween would be a whole new... experience, and would make perfect sense.
Libra: Peter Pan's Tinker Bell
You're sassy, Libra. Despite her dreamy demeanor, Tinker Bell sure has an attitude, but I bet you can't help but love her anyway. Then again, this is what happens when you're so darn charming. So, strap on a pair or fairy wings, gather your pixie dust, and get ready to shine on Oct. 31, because Tink is you, in Disney form.
Scorpio: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' Evil Queen
It's your birthday season, Scorpio. You've always been a fan of All Hallow's Eve, and who better than you to pull off the Evil Queen? Admit it, being a villain looks good on you.
Sagittarius: Pocahontas
You're a free spirit, Sagittarius. Pocahontas is without a doubt your Disney alter ego, and for so many reasons. I mean, how is that even a question? It's like the rainstorm and the river are your brothers, and you can paint with all the colors of the wind or something.
Capricorn: Minnie Mouse
You're a big fan of traditions, Capricorn. This is why I figured you'd be into dressing up as the one and only Minnie Mouse. I mean, what's more classic than that? If you want to take things a step further, ask your bae or your bestie to play Minnie's main squeeze, Mickey Mouse, and you've got yourself an iconic pairing.
Aquarius: Frozen's Queen Elsa
You can be cold as ice, Aquarius. Alright, I'm kidding, so you can let it go — although, I will say, this costume idea would be fun. Also, how awesome would it be to play matchy-matchy with your polar opposite, Leo? #JustSaying
Pisces: Moana
You're always staring at the edge of the water, Pisces. Also, everything about the movie Moana reminds me of you, and I can't help but think you'd be the perfect candidate to play the part. How far will you go to make this the best Halloween ever?
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