Sophie Turner Explained Why Protesting Is Necessary To A Commenter Who Just Wants Peace
Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas joined protests for Black Lives Matter over the weekend, and Turner continued to make a point after returning home. When a commenter voiced criticized the protests under one of Turner's photos, the actor got real about why protesting is important. Sophie Turner's reason for protesting police brutality draws attention to systemic racism in the United States. Here's how the actress is taking a stand in solidarity with the Black community.
The protests following the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police on May 25 have been getting plenty of attention across the globe. Turner and Jonas are some of the many celebs to show up for a protest and call for a change to the system. The married couple attended a Black Lives Matter protest in Mammoth Lakes, California on Saturday, June 7, along with their friends Greg Garbo and Paris Carney.
Turner shared photos and videos of the event on Instagram, along with the caption, "No justice, no peace #BlackLivesMatter." One photo features the actress holding a sign that says, "White silence is violence," while the video shows the crowd chanting, "No justice, no peace." Jonas similarly posted photos of the protest on his Instagram, including a group photo of the couple and their friends.
Not all fans were in support of Turner's IG post, though. As pointed out by BuzzFeed, one user commented, "I mean they've been arrested and charged with murder so there's justice, soooo can we have peace now?" Turner responded directly to the user and wrote that it isn't just about the four cops involved in Floyd's death. She explained, "This is about the systemic racism that black people have faced for hundreds and hundreds of years. This is about changing the system. Justice will be done when society reflects our beliefs that we are all equal. Until then there should be no peace."
Turner previously showed her support for Black Lives Matter in an Instagram post on June 2. She wrote, "My heart is heavy. I stand in solidarity with those speaking out against racism and fighting for justice and equality." She continued on, explaining that her voice is not one that needs to be heard. Instead, she highlighted names of Black activists and community members for fans to follow, such as Colin Kaepernick.
Turner is joined by many other celebs who have been protesting recently. By using their voices and platforms, they are helping to raise awareness about police brutality and systemic racism in the country.