
The Week Of September 28 Will Be The Absolute Best For These Signs

by Roya Backlund

Astrology is on another level right now. The energy is downright chaotic, and you may be feeling as though you're being pulled in so many different directions at once. However, despite everything that's going on, there will always be beauty in its midst. If anyone's feeling that beauty, it's the zodiac signs who will have the best week of September 28, 2020. If you were born with your sun or rising sign in Gemini, Libra, or Virgo, then you're in for a treat, because even though the universe is currently freaking out, you're feeling positive about everything to come. That makes all the difference.

Mars — planet of vitality, passion, and aggression — has been retrograde since Sept. 9. This has definitely upped the frustration, making you feel as if nothing is going your way no matter how hard you try. When you remember that Mars is currently facing backward, it makes sense why it may feel incredibly difficult to move forward. That energy is reaching new levels of intensity on Sept. 29, when Mars squares off with inhibiting and punishing Saturn. This may deflate all the air out of your balloon, and if you want to get through this with ease, remember that patience is truly a virtue.

Fortunately, romantic and affectionate Venus will form a trine with Mars on Sept. 28, This flirtatious transit will remind you to stay excited and enthusiastic even when nothing is working out right. Even in tough times, there is always something to learn and always a fun way to deal with your problems. Focus on the creativity building within you, and how this strife is making you a better person.


Gemini: Your Social Life Is Brimming With Love And Romance

If anyone is finding a way to have fun and laugh their way through hard times, it's you, Gemini. Your inner child is out and ready to play, so remember to have a good time and play around even when your situation is less than ideal. Open your heart to other people, look at how beautiful the world is, and remember to do what you do best: make jokes. Laughter is the best cure and you're healing others with your sense of humor, left and right. Feel comfortable in your own skin and give yourself permission to be yourself.

Libra: You're Feeling So Much Closer To Those You Love

A full moon in your seventh house of partnerships will rock your world on Oct. 1, starting the month off on an incredibly affectionate and compassionate note. You're feeling more focused on who you can be for others rather than just yourself. Put yourself in other people's shoes and tap into your empathetic side. It will not only help you navigate conflict more smoothly, but it'll invite more love into your universe and help you strengthen your relationships. Find an even balance between setting boundaries and opening your heart. After all, striking a balance is what you do best, Libra.

Virgo: You're Feeling So In Love With Yourself Lately

You have so many reasons to feel excited, Virgo, but the biggest one is that Venus enters your zodiac sign on Oct. 2, launching one of the most enjoyable and luxurious transits. You're attracting adoration and admiration wherever you go, so pay attention to how people are going out of their way to compliment you and spend time with you. You're also feeling a lot more alive in your own skin, as this transit is helping you remember all the reasons you should love yourself. Of all the compliments you'll receive, the ones you give yourself will have the biggest impact.