Ruth Bader Ginsburg Isn't Ashamed To Love This '90s Hair Accessory & Neither Am I
Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been a US Supreme Court Justice for almost 25 years, and a low-key style icon for just as long. RBG, as she's affectionately called, has a strong sense of style when it comes to her accessories, particularly from the neck up. Ruth Bader Ginsburg's scrunchies are one of her most notable adornments, and she recently opened up about her very specific hair tie preferences.
Remember that episode of Sex And The City where Carrie Bradshaw made fun of her then-boyfriend Jack Berger for writing about a character wearing a scrunchie? Well Berger can rest easy because he officially won that argument. The polarizing hair accessory from the '80s and '90s is back and better than ever. Forget neon scrunchies of decades past, today's non-creasing hair ties are fancy AF — think silk hair scrunchies and high fashion scrunchies.
Although the retro items are making a comeback for most of you, there's one woman who's actually been wearing scrunchies all along: Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Ginsburg is known for her statement glasses, bold earrings, and elaborate necklaces, but her hair ties usually hide behind the scenes. Now that scrunchies are trendy again, though, Ginsburg's signature ponytail holder is stealing the limelight.
One of Ginsburg's scrunchies recently made an appearance on Jan. 21 when she gave an interview during the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah about the upcoming RBG documentary film. It was a simple black style, so understated, so classy.
Ginsburg sports the hair accessories when on official Supreme Court duty, too. Look at that intricately beaded necklace also — she matched her scrunchie to it. I admire her determination to accessorize.
RBG likes a good metallic scrunchie as well, so bold. Ginsburg's scrunchies have become a topic of conversation as of late because the shero (finally) gave some info on where she gets them. Speaking to the Wall Street Journal, Ginsburg said,
I have been wearing scrunchies for years. My best scrunchies come from Zurich. Next best, London, and third best, Rome."
Wow, what a global collection. I guess when you're the second ever female Supreme Court Judge and have a movie coming out about your life, you can splurge for such worldly treats.
Ginsburg also admitted to the WSJ that she hoards other fine accessories.
My scrunchie collection is not as large as my collar and glove collections, but scrunchies are catching up."
RBG fans have always been outspoken with words of support, but they are really fanning out over all the scrunchie talk.
Twitter users expressed their love for the oft-begrudged ponytail holder.
"I am HERE for RBG's scrunchie opinions," same, girl.
"RBG wore a scrunchie so I wore a scrunchie," I may not fly to Switzerland for mine, though.
"I'd wear a scrunchie if it made RBG happy," anything for my homegirl.
"I didn't think I could love RBG more than I already do but now she is a scrunchie advocate and that is just wonderful," I just love the term "scrunchie advocate."
"RBG has never been more groundbreaking than wearing a scrunchie... (how is this news... I do love a good scrunchie doh )," it is an admittedly odd piece of news but endearing nonetheless.
"One more reason to admire the Notorious RBG. Now on the prowl for silk scrunches." Alright fine, if I have to travel to Europe, so be it.
"#RBG loves scrunchies too - the woman can do no wrong." I couldn't agree more.
"If RBG said that, I feel motivated to grow my hair out so I too can have a scrunchie," people are literally changing their hairstyles to be more like the judge.
"Scrunchie resurgence aside, what we need to celebrate is the fact that the WSJ got a quote from Ruth Bader Ginsburg on scrunchies. Once more, with feeling: RBG. Quote. on ~sCrUNcHiEs~."
It's a truly historic moment.