
You Can Actually Spend The Night In A Wine Barrel At This Vineyard & Grape Times Await

by Marisa Casciano

As the weather gets warmer, you're hoping to have more experiences that are one-of-a-kind. You're wishing on shooting stars that you'll have the opportunity to go scuba diving on the other side of the world, or spend a night sleeping on a bed that has a perfect view of the jungle. You're crossing your fingers that your favorite travel influencers will release travel guides for dreamy destinations, where you can go cave diving or swim in bright blue lagoons. One experience that should be a top priority on your bucket list, though? Quinta da Pacheca's wine barrel suites. They will seriously upgrade your next trip and put some grape times in the books.

Before we get into the suites, though, let's talk about your past experience with wine. If you're 21 or over, you may have visited a few local vineyards in the past. For example, last summer, you may shared a bottle of Cabernet and played Monopoly all afternoon with your best friends at a local winery. The memories and inside jokes you made on the day were posted on Instagram for the whole world to see.

You may have also taken time to relax at a spa and soak in a wine bath. Somebody found a sweet deal online and sent it in your group chat. Instantly, everyone changed their plans for the following Saturday and showed up at a highly-recommend spot in the city. You spent the morning in the sauna before immersing yourself in vinotherapy.

What you haven't done, though, is travel to a country where your go-to Merlots and Sauvignon Blancs are made, and stay at a vineyard overnight. I think it's time to change that, and Quinta da Pacheca's wine barrel suites will be the best place to start.

What should you know about Quinta da Pacheca's wine barrel suites?

Quinta da Pacheca

Now, you may be a wine lover already, or are just starting to stop and smell the rosés. Either way, you're bound to find something in this experience for yourself. You'll step onto the vineyard, settled into the valleys of the Douro River in Portugal, and know that you're in for something sweet. You'll get lost in the aromas of fresh olive oil that are floating in the air, and want to take pictures of, well, just about everything.

But, possibly what you'll fall head over heels for the most is your room that's really one big wine barrel. Here's the 4-1-1 on those suites: Quinta da Pacheca, one of the most renowned properties in the Douro Demarcated Region of Portugal, realized that travelers don't just want to drink wine. They want to get in touch with nature and really experience where their vino is made — beyond the usual tastings and tours.

So, they created wine barrels that are big enough for you and your SO or one of your best friends to sleep in. They thought outside of the box when it came to architecture. Complete with a cozy bed, bathroom, and patio, this wine barrel suite is an experience that you can't quite get anywhere else, and meant to be just as comfortable as a modern hotel.

How can you spend a night in one of the wine barrel suites?

Quinta da Pacheca

How can you spend a night in one of these wine barrels? Well, it's actually quite simple, assuming you already have a travel buddy in mind. *Waits for you to pick your best friend who wines a little and laughs a lot.*

Did you find someone? Good! Then you're ready to follow a few easy steps. First, go to the Quinta da Pacheca website and read about the wine barrels and what this vineyard is all about. Make sure it will be a good fit in your trip itinerary, and then book your spot online.

You'll be directed to choose the dates you want to stay, and will be offered other excursions like a wine tasting and tour, or a fancy dinner. You'll then be asked to put in reservation information, like your check-in time and name, and pay. Once you hit "confirm," you're good to go. (Reservations are non-refundable past a certain date, so keep that in mind when booking.)

What else should you do in Portugal?

Koen Meershoek/Stocksy

Odds are, you won't just book a night in one of the wine barrels at Quinta da Pacheco and then leave Portugal. After spending many hours on a plane, surfing through the various apps that are good for long flights, you'll want to explore the area and everything it has to offer.

Can I make some suggestions? From what I hear, the coastline is beautiful and filled with Instagram-worthy views. You could head to Porto and hang out on the beaches that are tucked into coves for a while. You could also go sightseeing in Lisbon, and try all the authentic spots to eat.

As long as you experience the vineyard and sip on a little bit of wine, it'll be a trip that's worth planning and putting in your books. Grape times await!