Beautiful sad young woman on a stone stairs and green leaves background posing with red lips

The Week Of Oct. 14 May Leave These Zodiac Signs In Difficult Situations

by Roya Backlund

The sun is currently in charming, vivacious, and flirty Libra, sending romantic vibes all throughout the cosmos. Is it any wonder this time of year is known as "cuffing season"? All this Venusian energy aside, this Libra season isn't all it's all cracked up to be. As it has been weighed down by squares to cold Saturn, the atmosphere is far from lighthearted and easy. In fact, it's asking you to truly consider the consequences of your actions. How's that for a reason why October 14, 2019 will be the worst week for these zodiac signs?

When the sun forms a square to dark and shadowy Pluto on Oct. 14, fears may spread and power struggles could ensue. Remember not to get dragged in the mud, because ultimately, Pluto is asking you to metamorphose into something better.

Fortunately, now that both Mercury — planet of thought and communication — and Venus — planet of love and beauty — are in Scorpio, there's a shift taking place. Although Scorpio's intense, secretive, and morbid aura is heavy in its own way, it's providing you with enough passion and introspection to rise from the ashes. As Mercury makes positive connections with sturdy Saturn, creative Neptune, and healing Pluto, you'll begin to see things in a more brilliant and beneficial light. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Everything you've been through is simply preparing you for something wonderful. Let your mind be flooded with transcendent ideas you can truly commit to for the long haul.

However, if your sun or rising happens to fall under Aries, Sagittarius, or Pisces, this week may leave you in a difficult situation. Here's why:


Aries: You May Feel A Loss Of Power In Your Relationship

As much as you may enjoy taking the lead, a relationship may be pushing against your control this week. If there is an uneven balance between partners, it's time to try and find it. Treat conflicts with patience and try not to assume the worst. Although it may feel as though you're being threatened with a loss of power, remember there are no winners or losers in a respectful relationship. Instead of trying to exert dominance, it may be time to pull back and allow both of you to heal on your own terms. It can only bring you closer in the long run.

Sagittarius: You May Be Sacrificing Too Much For Others

Not everything is your fault, Sagittarius. It may feel as though everyone in the world needs something from you this week, but it's not your responsibility to fix their problems. Remember to set clear boundaries when your needs are being infringed upon. You don't want to be taken advantage of. Even if guilt is seeping through your heart, remember not everyone wants to be helped. They simply want someone to dump their problems.

Pisces: You Could Be Facing The True Darkness Of A Situation

The skeletons in your closet are knocking and you can no longer avoid what they have to say. There may be a situation reaching a difficult conclusion. You may feel like you're being forced to give up on something you've put so much work into. None of this is easy, so be kind to yourself. Trust in the adventure you're about to embark on. You are currently surrounded by so many opportunities to make new friends and new memories. If you're too focused on a futile situation that can't work no matter how hard you try, you just might miss them.