Nick Jonas & Priyanka Chopra's Body Language At New York Fashion Week Shows It's All Love

by Rachel Shatto
Rob Kim/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

On Friday, Sept. 7, Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra made their first official post-engagement red carpet debut at the Ralph Lauren fashion show during New York Fashion Week — and they weren't afraid to show plenty of PDA for the cameras. You don't have to be an expert to see that the love is clear in Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra's body language at New York Fashion Week, but if it seems like things developed quickly between the two, it's because they kind of did.

Just to catch you up if you haven't been following along: The two first sparked dating rumors when they attended the Met Gala together in 2017. At the time, Chopra said it was just friendly and convenient, saying “Yeah, we were on the same table and we already know each other. So he was like 'Hey, you wanna go together?' And I was like yeah, OK, let’s go together. It ended up working out."

Flash forward all the way to May 2018, and again, rumors began surfacing that they were dating when they were spotted together multiple times over Memorial Day weekend. First they were seen at a Beauty and the Beast concert, followed by attending a Dodgers game together, and finally snuggling up on a yacht. Celebrities, they're just like us!

In June, things seemed to be getting really serious when Chopra reportedly joined Jonas at his cousin’s wedding. Later that month they flew to Mumbai so that Jonas could reportedly meet Chopra’s mom. A month later, the couple confirmed that they were engaged.

So yeah, it’s a been a bit of a whirlwind romance, to say the least. But are they really as happy as they seem on the red carpet? To answer that question, I reached out to body language experts to ask what they can tell us about this couple's connection.

01The love is real.

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Any question about whether or not there's love and passion between Chopra and Jonas can be put aside, because as body language expert Blanca Cobb explains, these two are totally connected. She begins by pointing out that their intense eye contact shows “nothing and no one else matters in this moment.” Then, she moves down, pointing out how their “bodies follow where the heart points,” she says, adding “notice that their bodies turn towards each other. She rests her hand on his chest and he has his hand is[sic] on her hip, which brings her close to him.”

02They want to be as close to each other as possible.

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When body language expert Lisa Mitchell looks at these photos, she sees a couple that wants to remain as close to one another as possible. She points to the body positioning saying, “they don't just stand beside each other, the are leaning in on each other, almost as if to say they can't get enough of each other and don't want any distance in between them, even in public.” She also notes the angle of the bodies and how they create a V shape, and explains that when “they stand with their bodies angled in towards each other from their shoulder to their toes” it’s “all very indicative of their level of interest in each other.”

03They want to be seen as a united front.

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In addition to affection and closeness, Cobb sees that Chopra really wants the world to recognize that Jonas belongs to her. “Priyanka is holding her man close to her. With the way her arm is resting on his shoulder, Priyanka is letting the world know that he’s taken,” says Cobb.

Mitchell also sees that this connection is powerful and reciprocal. She notes how “both Jonas and Chopra tilt their head towards each other even when standing more side by side, again, reaffirming their strong connection and desire to be close” and points to how this couple is not shy about showing that they are very much a united front. “They seem perfectly comfortable enjoying an intimate moment of him whispering in her ear in the one photo, this couple is enjoying stealing away their own moments even in public,” she notes.

So, what is the experts’ overall take on this couple? Mitchell says “These two are feeling each other, big time! They are physically connected in a close and intimate way in varying degrees in each photo. Jonas always has a protective arm around the small of her back, to support and help her feel secure. It's a protective gesture as well as a territorial claim that she's his girl.” Cobb agrees, saying simply, “From these photos, Priyanka and Nick are crazy about each other.”

Well folks, there you have it. Turns out love really is alive. And personally, I am living for it.

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