Mars Enters Taurus On Valentine’s Day & Here's What That Means For Your Plans
Knowing where the planets are located is always a plus, especially when one makes its cosmic debut just in time for V-Day. Then again, I am constantly checking the astro weather, because how could I not? Speaking of which, red-hot Mars enters Taurus on Valentine's Day, and while I would normally jump for joy, I'm a bit hesitant to the idea. Look, astrology is infinite, and my opinion is relative, but Mars in Taurus can be somewhat of an oxymoron. However, despite this energetic clash, there's also a positive side to this stubborn transit, and I'll tell you exactly why.
For starters, Mars is the planet of action, sex, and war; it's assertive, aggressive, impulsive, domineering, rash, horny, etc,. Taurus, on the other hand, is patient, slow-moving, practical, and drum roll please...ruled by Venus! Hi, men are from Mars, women are from Venus, blah, blah, you know how it goes. Fact is, these are two completely different energies; hence my comment on Mars in Taurus being an oxymoron. Now, let's not jump to conclusions here, because Venus-Mars aspects are totally saucy, and for good reason. I mean, picture the goddess Aphrodite luring in the god of war with her beauty and sensuality.
However, that isn't necessarily the case with this transit. Instead, we have to look at how Mars can take action and assert itself, in a Taurean, or perhaps Venusian, way. So, first thing's first: Mars is incredibly motivating and powerful. It pushes us to make moves, and most importantly, it makes sure we get to the finish line, because it certainly doesn't believe in losing. Meanwhile, Taurus is stubborn, persistent, and driven by security. Now, what happens when we combine these two? Bad news first; we might struggle with taking initiative. Good news; we're persistent enough to tackle our goals, all the way through.
Mars Enters Sensual Taurus On Valentine's Day
Alright, so now that you know the essence of Mars in Taurus, let's talk about how this energy could unfold on the most romantic day of the year. For starters, there's nothing Mars in Taurus loves more than indulging in the pleasures of life. Taurus is sensual, and not just in an "physically attractive" way. This earth sign revels in its five senses, so it needs to take it easy every now and then, despite its dedication and persistence.
What I'm trying to say is, take advantage of Mars in Taurus' love for beauty, nature, pleasure, and sensual delights. For instance, if you're having a romantic dinner, don't hesitate on ordering the most expensive entree on the menu. Taurus is boujee AF, and Mars doesn't think twice about making moves. On a sultry note, this energy is also incredibly carnal, so you can already do the math, stargazers.
Mars is passionate, and Taurus is slow, right? Well, this calls for slow passionate love making. I mean, it is Valentine's Day after all, right? Besides, Scorpios are conceived during this holiday, and there's a whole lot of Scorpios in the world. #JustSaying Also, if you've been working too hard, Mars in Taurus will remind you to kick back, and take a break when necessary. Like I said, this is an interesting combination.
Last but not certainly least, the moon will be in flirtatious Gemini, and the sun is in groovy Aquarius. Rest assured, there will be some witty banter, mental tennis, and sparkling conversations overflowing this V-day. Remember, air signs love to be mentally stimulated, so despite the stubborn earthiness of Mars in Taurus, there are plenty of airy vibes to go around this Valentine's Day, stargazers.
Happy Valentine's Day, y'all!