Madison's Meeting With Peter's Parents On 'The Bachelor' Finale Was... Rough
Once Peter Weber got down to his final two contestants on this season of The Bachelor, it was time for him to introduce both of them to his family. Since Peter is notoriously close with his parents and brother, fans knew their opinion would likely mean a lot to the Bachelor and could play a role in his final decision. Unfortunately, Madison's meeting with Peter's parents on The Bachelor was a little rough, and left viewers a bit nervous for her future on the show.
Since Madison and Peter hadn't had time to discuss her hesitant acceptance of his rose in the last ceremony, the pair had to take a moment to talk about where they stood before meeting his family. Upon arriving outside the house where they'd soon gather with the other Webers, Peter and Madi sat down to have a serious conversation.
"I don’t want you to go," Peter expressed to her, while she confirmed she still had feelings for him. "As mad as I was at you that night, I didn’t want to leave your arms," she explained about her walking off during Fantasy Suites after hearing he had slept with another contestant. They went back and forth, and although Madi eventually told Peter she loved him, they still seemed pretty melancholy from the discussion when they walked in to meet his fam.
Immediately, his parents could sense something was a little off with the situation, and his family's hesitations about Madi became quickly apparent. "Peter’s lifestyle ... he socializes, he parties. It seems like you have different lifestyles. I don’t want anyone to change him," his mother Barbara said to Madi. Similarly, Peter's brother took him aside in a private conversation and expressed similar concerns with their faith and lifestyle differences.
Peter's mom also expressed concerns about Madison's opinions about Fantasy Suite Week. She said she thought it was unfair for Madison to give Peter an ultimatum, while Madi stayed strong in her opinion that she was just expressing her feelings to Peter, and asserted that her feelings should be just as important as Peter's.
After Madison left, Peter's mom expressed concerns about the contestant, saying: "She’s not there for you. She’s not there for you, bud." Then went on to praise Hannah Ann, begging her son to "bring her home."
Barbara said Peter's relationship with Madison seemed familiar. "It reminds me of you last season with Hannah B. You were head-over-heels in love with Hannah B. But unfortunately she went and picked the wrong person," she said, adding: "And now you have the perfect girl right in front of you and you’re going to risk that, bud?"
At the end of the day, Peter recognized it was a tough day, "Today with Madi went not necessarily how I wanted it to go," he explained to cameras, adding that he didn't think they saw the side of her he got to see previously.
Eventually, it all seemed to be too much, and Madison sent herself home on her next date with Peter. However, things are never as clear as they seem, so fans will have to wait for finale to be over to see if Peter decides to bring Hannah Ann home, like his mother asked.