I Legit Had To Do A Double Take After Seeing Kim & Kourt K’s, Um, Interesting Face Mask Selfie
Y'all, believe me when I say I'm willing to try out almost any Kardashian-approved product (It's actually my greatest weakness), but when I saw Kim & Kourtney Kardashian's Hanacure face mask selfie, even I was like, "Hold up, what's going on here?" ICYMI, the sisters took to Kourt's Instagram to show off an intense in-process mask, and if you couldn't tell by the photo, it's definitely one of those it-gets-worse-before-it-gets-better products. It's all about the final results, people, even if it means wearing a mask that makes you look like a corpse for a few minutes! That said, I imagine Instagram scrollers who came across the post without reading the caption were very, very confused.
As a skincare lover with a passion for trying out the strangest and most unique products, I was actually already familiar with the Hanacure face mask, a favorite amongst celebrities and editors for both scary selfies and glowing results. The mask, dubbed the All-In-One Facial by the brand, can be purchased within its Starter Set ($29, hanacure.com). It's meant to promote collagen growth, and reduce the appearance of everything from fine lines to pores to pigmentation. We love a multi-tasking product! And seeing as the Kardashian women rarely get a moment to relax, a one-and-done treatment seems right up their alley.
That said, the selfie they posted was... a lot:
"Kim convinced me to use this face mask and I feel stunning," wrote Kourtney, with the dry humor only she can pull off. I love her so damn much. And while she and Kim obviously thought the post was funny, plenty of commentors were left confused.
"Are you ladies using the @hanacure ?" wrote a handful of skincare-savvy followers, but others, who didn't understand the mask's drying process, were a little more on the rude side. "who are these two girls?" asked one commentor, while multiple people assumed this was simply what the girls looked like sans makeup, leaving comments like "Oh nah,,, put the makeup BACK on sis," and "Omg make up makes a huge difference. I didn't even recognize you two."
But sis... that's just how the mask works:
First of all, if this was what they looked like fresh-faced, it would be very uncool and not OK to shame them. All skin is beautiful, and no one should feel obligated to fit into a mold of what others want you to look like, celebrities or not. As someone who loves caking her face with a ton of makeup, I know how annoying it is when people make comments regarding my bare face. That said, the mask is meant to make your skin look awful before it looks fantastic. That's the point! Kourt is funny and comfortable enough to share the "during" portion, and for people to make assumptions and leave hate about her appearance is just so negative.
Kim and Kourt can easily wash away the mask, but some of y'all need to wash away your bad attitude:
The Hanacure mask is often called the "grandma mask" because of how old and dry it makes skin look (No shade to any great-skinned grandmas out there!), but if you can handle your scary reflection for the 30-minute wait time, the results are a rejuvenated, more youthful complexion.