Justin Bieber Posted A Sonogram On April Fools That Has Twitter Losing It — UPDATE
UPDATE: On April 1, less than an hour after Justin Bieber posted two Instagrams that led fans to wonder if Hailey Baldwin was pregnant, he confirmed that his wife is not, in fact, expecting a child. He posted an image of a sonogram spliced together with an image of a dog with the caption, "Wait omg is that a,,, APRIL FOOLS."
EARLIER: It's tough to know if anything is really legit on April 1, but Justin Bieber's April Fools' Instagram of Hailey Baldwin has people freaking out for an understandable reason: According to the pop star's Instagram posts, Baldwin is pregnant with the couple's first child. (Elite Daily has reached out to Bieber and Baldwin's reps for comment but did not hear back in time for publication.)
Bieber posted two heart-racing Instagrams on April 1. The first is a sonogram with no caption. The second is a series of three photos of Baldwin sitting in what appears to be a doctor's office with her hands clasped over her bare stomach. He captioned that, "If U thought it was April fools," implying that his followers should believe the photo indicates a real pregnancy, despite him posting it on a holiday known for people playing tricks.
But don't believe everything you see. Because despite what Bieber wrote on Instagram, it appears as if this pregnancy news is actually just an April Fools' Day joke. The date on the sonogram is also Feb. 2, not April 1. What appears to be an identical sonogram photo was previously posted on a site called TheyDiffer.com, where it was used to illustrate the difference between a sonogram and an ultrasound. More tellingly, however, the photo also appears on the Wikipedia entry for "sonogram." So, in other words, it seems pretty likely that Bieber found the photo on the internet, took a screenshot, and uploaded it to Instagram and claimed it belonged to him and Baldwin.
Some people on Twitter were quick to put the pieces together.
Other people on Twitter were quick to point out that joking about pregnancy on April Fools' Day is particularly cruel because it makes light of the struggle that many people face to conceive children and carry pregnancies to term. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Protection, about 12 percent of women aged 15-44 in the United States have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term.
Even before Bieber's Instagrams, people on Twitter asked others to show respect to those struggling with infertility by refraining from making pregnancy-related April Fools' Day jokes.
Other people simply found Bieber's alleged joke to be childish.
Baldwin weighed in on her husband's post with just two words, according to @CommentsByCelebs: "very funny..." The model's use of the word "funny" drives home the theory that this could all be an elaborate hoax.
Of course, a Bieber-Baldwin baby isn't the most far-fetched thing that could happen this year. In March, Entertainment Tonight reported that a source close to the couple said Bieber wants to be a young dad because he admired his parents' relationship. (They were both 18 when he was born.) The same source added, "Justin and Hailey have talked about kids, and it’s a priority to them. They want to be in the right place before having them: having a home, being married and Justin being in a good mental state... The couple wants a few kids and their friends wouldn’t be surprised if that happened soon." In November 2018, Baldwin told Vogue Arabia, “I love kids and I can’t wait to have my own. I would say now that’s a closer reality."
But at the moment, it appears as if Baldwin probably isn't really pregnant, and that this was possibly just an April Fools' Day joke done in poor taste.