
These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Feel So Enchanted This Week

by Roya Backlund

It's the last week of Gemini season, so make it count. This zodiac sign is all about letting loose, opening your eyes, saying what's on your mind, and keeling over in laughter. It only makes sense the last week of this season would be so jam-packed with astrological mayhem, but no matter how intense it gets, June 17, 2019 will be the best week for these zodiac signs: Gemini, Cancer, and Sagittarius. With all the sharp turns and unexpected twists that could take place in the next seven days, you may feel overwhelmed, but there's no doubt you'll be entertained. And, after all, being bored is a Gemini's worst fear. So if you've got your sun or rising sign in any of the following, you're the star of this week's show. Enjoy the spotlight, y'all.

If you were hoping for a final showdown in the skies, the cosmos have got you covered. A full moon in Sagittarius will send fire through the universe on June 17. Forming a conjunction with expansive and overly enthusiastic Jupiter, this full moon will augment your emotional being and make you feel larger than life. However, let's not forget this lunation will also be squaring off with illusive and distorting Neptune, so take care to make sure you're still grounded in reality. And, don't let the ending of Gemini season bring you down, because you know what comes next? Cancer season, of course, which is its own special cocktail of love, excitement, and magic when it begins on June 21.

Get ready, because if your zodiac sign made the cut, you're heading into a fascinating time:

Gemini: Your Solar Return Is Going Out With A Bang

Being the last week of your astrological season, you may be feeling a little bittersweet. Chin up, Gemini, because this last week is all about you. With the sun in your first house, you have every reason to radiate confidence, self-love, and authenticity. Think about where you were at this time last year. How have you grown? What have you survived? What have you accomplished? Your spirit has strengthened since then and it's time to put yourself out there and plan for what's to come.

With a full moon lighting up your seventh house of partnerships, there is a revelation awaiting. You could become closer to someone or make room for someone in the future.

Cancer: The Cosmos Are Crowning You Queen

As of this week, Cancer season has officially begun, but you've already been feeling at home with Mercury — planet of communication — and Mars — planet of drive — forming a conjunction in your zodiac sign. With the cosmos swirling in your emotional, loving, and intuitive energy, you're feeling more powerful than ever. It's time to fall in love with yourself all over again. Indulge in self-acceptance and confidence building.

With the north node — AKA the point of destiny we're striving towards — also in Cancer, you're in the midst of some deeply beautiful and personal growth.

Sagittarius: You're Discovering A Deep Confidence In Yourself

A full moon is emblazoned in the sky and shouting your name for all the universe to hear. Taking place in your first house of the self, you're in for some deeply introspective and revealing moments about who you are, where you're going, and where you've come from. Concentrate on connecting your mind with your intuition, as there is so much to be gained in this lunation. Forming a conjunction with bold and beautiful Jupiter, which has been spreading growth throughout your life all year long, this lunation has the power to take you far.

The only thing you have to keep in mind is that this full moon will also square Neptune, which can make you feel overly sensitive if you don't focus on the positive instead of the negative.