These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Best Week & It Only Gets Better
There are only a few weeks left until summer and if you're impatiently counting down the days, I want you to take a deep breath and appreciate the present moment. The weather is wistful and warm, the sun is setting at 8 p.m., and you're probably already seeing fireworks set the evening ablaze in preparation for the Fourth of July. Take it all in. We're living in the beautiful moment where it already feels like summer, and yet, summer hasn't even begun. There's no point in rushing. The season will be over in the blink of an eye anyway. Keep this in mind when I say that as of June 11, 2018, this will be the best week for these zodiac signs: Gemini, Cancer, and Aquarius.
This week presents you with an irresistible opportunity: a chance to set the tone for the rest of the season to come. With a new moon in Gemini taking place on June 13, you are being handed a fresh canvas, and the universe wants you to begin painting something magical. New moons always signify new beginnings, and with summer coming at you fast, there's no better time than now to start thinking about how amazing you want the season to be. It doesn't matter what kind of paint you have to work with, nor does it matter how many colors you have to choose from. Put a brush onto your metaphorical canvas and see what happens.
Gemini: You Have All The Power To Blossom & Bloom
You have so many things to be excited about with the new moon occurring in your own sign. When this takes place, you'll experience an energizing boost in confidence that allows you to undergo gratifying transformations in your life. Your entire presence and mode of self-expression will receive all of the moon's power, causing you to feel like improving your appearance, taking charge of your life, and believing in yourself. Under such lunar conditions, anything is possible.
As wonderful as this energy will feel, you may have to fight to hold onto it. As Saturn in your eighth house of death and rebirth forms an opposition with Mercury, your ruling planet, you could hit walls and undergo struggles that threaten all that dynamic confidence you just built up. However, these challenges are the real test. If you can remain resilient, your confidence will become far more permanent.
Cancer: Your Super Power Is Intuition & Empathy
This week, Mercury has officially entered your sign, reconnecting you with the deepest level of your empathy and sensitivity. With this planetary placement underway, you're seeing the world the way you want it to be seen, and so is everyone else. When Mercury forms a sextile with Uranus in your eleventh house of community, this loving energy will be swept all around you, bringing you closer to your friends and circle at large. The connections you make this week will infuse your life with meaning.
However, as Venus in your second house of self-worth forms a square with Uranus, those friendships could experience conflict as well. As long as you remain open to love and vulnerability, your bonds will only be strengthened. Since the new moon also takes place in your 12th house of intuition, you should have no problem seeing the bigger picture instead of concentrating on insignificant problems.
Aquarius: Your Creative Juices Are Flowing
With the new moon in Gemini — a zodiac sign harmonious with your own — taking place in your fifth house of fun, you'll be flooded with creative energy. You'll want to discover new ways to connect playfully with the world around you, to enjoy the present moment, and to create beauty out of life. Whether you decide to embark on an artistic project or simply learn a whole new meaning of pleasure is up to you. Either way, you're bound to have the time of your life.
Despite how inspired you may feel, you could find yourself tangled up in familial dramas or conflicts at home. With Venus in your seventh house of partnerships forming a square with Uranus in your fourth house of family, tensions and disagreements could rise. However, with the lively energy you're receiving from the new moon, you'll be able to navigate conflicts with your signature charm and charisma.