This One Thing Missing From Jordyn Woods' Instagram May Prove Kylie Jenner Is Pregnant
"To be, or not to be?" used to be one of the most famous questions of all time, but then Kylie Jenner got pregnant. LOL, I'm just kidding. I'm not actually comparing the Kardashians to Shakespeare, but Jenner has been keeping her reported pregnancy a secret for so long now that I'm running out of intros. This is the world we created. Anyway, in our never-ending hunt for clues that Kylie Jenner is pregnant, we think we might've found another one. Jordyn Woods' Instagram could have a huge clue Jenner is, in fact, expecting her first child. Hear us out on this one, guys.
Jordyn Woods and Kylie Jenner are best friends and have been for a while. Woods is featured in a lot of Jenner's Snapchats, Instagrams, and even Kylie Lip Kit ads, but we haven't seen much of them together (both online and in public) since rumors of Jenner's reported pregnancy began in September. Outside of some Snapchat appearances, like that one time Woods cut Jenner's hair, and that birthday party Jenner threw for Woods in September (you know, the one that gave us the possible first photos of Jenner's reported baby bump), we haven't seen much of this dynamic duo together in a while. So we turned to Jordyn Woods' Instagram to look for clues that Kylie Jenner might be pregnant, and we think we've found a couple.
First of all, Jenner hasn't liked many of Woods' posts since September.
Take a look through Woods' Instagram and you'll see that King Kylie's name isn't featured in the likes sections. But rather than assuming this means their friendship is on the rocks like people too often do, we're taking this as a sign that Jenner just isn't on social media that much nowadays. And whyyyyyyyy could that be? Oh, because she's taking a hiatus to focus on her reported pregnancy maybe? Some fans believe the theory that Jenner has already given birth, so this lack of social media usage could easily be explained by the fact that she's too busy taking care of her infant child. (Again, all speculation until Jenner confirms or denies these rumors herself.)
But we do know that Jenner and Woods have been hanging out because although they haven't posted photos together, we've seen photos of them at Jenner's house.
Like this photo Woods posted on Dec. 21, for example. It clearly shows Kylie Jenner's pink-themed Christmas tree, so they were clearly hanging out at Jenner's house when it was taken.
The last time Woods posted a photo of her and Jenner on Instagram was way back on Nov. 29, 2017.
In what looks like a photo of a photo, you can see Jenner and Woods staring off at something in the distance. Bassinets, possibly?! I kid, I kid. It's probably Kris Jenner doing something wild, I don't know.
But one thing is for sure: If Kylie Jenner is taking this social media break because she is either pregnant or has already given birth to her reported baby, Jordyn Woods is doing her best to help her best friend keep her secret.
According to People, sources close to the family say Jenner has been trying to "keep a low profile" ever since the baby rumors started. She reportedly prefers to hang out with friends at her house and is enjoying spending time at home during this life-changing experience. The source also told People following Jenner's reported baby shower that the party was pajama-themed and she arrived wearing clothes that could easily cover her reported bump.
The most confusing part of Woods' Instagram throughout all of this Jenner baby craziness is Jordyn Woods' response to Kylie Jenner's pregnancy rumors.
The week the baby rumors started, Woods posted a selfie on Instagram that revealed Jenner took her on a hot air balloon ride. The post said, Yesterday was a dream... @kyliejenner surprised me with a sunrise hot air balloon ride... bucket list✔️." Was this how Kylie Jenner told Jordyn Woods she was pregnant?! "Hey Jordyn, while we're up in the sky like this and no one can hear your screams, I'M PREGNANT! HAHAHA, WOOOO! Now when we land back on the ground you can't say sh*t." This is all very sus.