Here's The Truth About Whether It's Normal To Get Engaged In Under A Year
You could definitely say the past several months have been packed with super-fast engagements. First Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson, then Hailey Baldwin and Justin Bieber, and then Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra — so it's understandable if you're feeling the pressure to get engaged, too. However, you may think you and your partner need to hit certain milestones first, like meeting the family, going on a vacation together, living together, and celebrating anniversaries and holidays together before committing to a lifetime with one another. You may be thinking about if it's the right time to get engaged, even if you've been together for less than a year. The truth is the timeline for your relationship is completely up to you — there's no one "right" time to get engaged.
I spoke with Bonnie Winston, celebrity matchmaker and relationship expert, to discuss whether or not it's OK to get engaged after less than a year of dating.
Choosing when to get engaged is ultimately up to you and your partner. Only you two will be able to know how well you know each other and what your preferences are for taking that next step in your relationship.
"It may not be the norm [getting engaged in less than a year], but it is perfectly fine to get engaged at the six-month mark as a person’s habits, whether good or bad, usually show up by four months," Winston tells Elite Daily. "I would wait at least three more months to the ninth month before getting married. A year is perfect."
At that point, after a year of dating, you'll likely have a fuller idea of who that person is. Of course, you're free to get engaged whenever you want to, but you may be in a more honeymoon phase of your relationship earlier on in the dating process. If you get engaged before you fully know that person, you may learn of bigger deal breakers later on, after already making that big commitment. If you ultimately realize that you and your partner are less compatible than you thought, a breakup could be more difficult once wedding plans are under way. (That said, you certainly wouldn't be the first person to break off an engagement: according to a 2018 survey conducted by specialist diamond buyers WP Diamonds, 20 percent of engagements are called off.) You might also feel more secure in your decision to marry your partner if you spend more time together before getting engaged.
"If you are unsure about getting engaged before your first anniversary, wait," Winston suggests. "There is no rush. I tell my clients that just because they want to settle down, it doesn’t mean they have to 'settle.'"
There is no rush. I tell my clients that just because they want to settle down, it doesn’t mean they have to 'settle.'
But if you feel like you and your partner are ready, it's totally your choice as a couple. Getting engaged earlier on in the relationship doesn't necessarily mean that you're getting married immediately. So at the end of the day, when you get engaged is solely determined by you and your partner's timeline, not anyone else's. Maybe your parents got engaged after a year of dating, or your friends advise to wait until then. But if you know, you know, and it's your engagement, not anyone else's.