
Instagram's Emoji Slider Will Be Here For A Long, Long Time

Carl Court/Getty Images News/Getty Images

If you are loving Instagram’s emoji slider feature, you might be wondering if the function is here to stay or if it will soon be yanked from the app. All good things must come to an end, right? Not in this case. The recent polling feature, which was unveiled on Thursday, May 10, is a fun new way to engage your friends and spice up your Instagram Story. I know I’m loving the polling function, because all good and accurate surveys should be conducted using emojis. Before I take a deep dive into my feelings about the function, we need to address the elephant in the room. Is Instagram’s emoji slider poll permanent?

Luckily, I’ve got some good news for you. According to Instagram, their emoji slider feature is here to stay, and that there are no plans of getting rid of it. That’s right. As of right now, it is not going anywhere. Now, you can continue to survey your friends using emojis for the rest of time. OK, maybe I’m getting a little carried away with that thought, but it’s all out of pure excitement for the digital expressions. So, fellow Instagrammers, rejoice with me as we celebrate the permanent residence of the latest and greatest function on the photo and video sharing app.

The emoji slider poll is created directly in your story after you’ve taken a photo or video. Then, type out a relevant question, pick an emoji that best matches your mood, and upload away. You can see how many people have provided their input, as well as the average answer on the poll. It’s a pretty nifty addition to an already great app, if I do say so myself.


If you are one of the handful of Instagram users who still don’t have the emoji slider scale function, don’t fret quite yet. The interactive feature is still in the distribution phase, so it is highly likely that it just has not reached your device yet. Before you get all bent out of shape, I'm here to tell you that Instagram does not play favorites. If the past is any indicator of the future, these roll outs usually take some time for everyone to receive. In the meantime, you should keep checking your app for regular updates. Once you update your app, you might even find that you now have the emoji slider function. OK, I know you are excited. Because of that, I will let you gracefully bow out of this story to create your first poll. Ciao for now!

For the rest of us, do yourself a favor and turn on automatic app updates in your phone’s settings folder. This way, you don’t ever have to wonder if you have the latest version of an app or not. This is especially helpful when you are trying to figure out why in the world you don’t have the latest Instagram feature when your friend does. Save yourself the headache.

One last tip: Make sure you are looking in the right spot. I know, Instagram has rolled out a ton of new features already this year. From "New Posts" to Nametags, it can be hard to keep up with the ever-evolving social media app.

I say this news calls for a celebration of sorts. OK, maybe just a small one, like an emoji slider poll that reads, “How happy are you that Instagram’s emoji slider poll is here to stay?” and uses the smiley face emoji. Slide that bad boy all the way to the right, because this is the best news I’ve heard all day. After all, emojis are here to help us communicate our feelings when we can’t find the words to, right? What would I do without a feature like this? I’m not too sure. So, thank you Instagram, for keeping this one around for good.