
These Hacks Will Ensure Your Pic Of The Super Blue Blood Moon Is Instagram-Worthy

by Rachel Chapman

If you haven't been caught up on all the cool things happening in space, there's a Super Blue Blood Moon coming on Jan. 31. What is that exactly? Well, you might recall our first supermoon of the year happened on the very first day, Jan. 1. That Wolf Moon we saw was an awesome way to kick off 2018, and on the last day of the month we'll be getting our second full moon that also happens to be a total lunar eclipse. You don't want to miss this, but you may find yourself wondering how to take photos of the Super Blue Blood Moon that will get all the likes on Instagram, and we have you covered with the lowdown.

If you're blessed with perfect weather for moon watching, you won't be able to miss the Super Blue Blood Moon with your naked eye. A supermoon is when the moon is closest to Earth in its orbit, which makes it appear a bit larger than a full moon we are used to each month. Not only is this moon super, it is a lunar eclipse. If you remember the solar eclipse that happened last year, you know that it required special glasses to view the celestial sight. A lunar eclipse doesn't require special glasses, and instead, you'll be able to see it from just about anywhere in the night sky. You also can't miss out on the opportunity of snapping a pic of the beautiful red color the Super Blue Blood Moon will be showing off.

Since it is so easy to see with the naked eye, it will be pretty easy to get a picture. If you want something totally Instagram-worthy, you'll need some photo hacks. Your friends will be super impressed.

Be Prepared With The Right Apps On Your Phone

Javier Pardina/Stocksy

If you have the latest iPhone, you may be really impressed with the picture quality, especially the cool new portrait feature. We all know the iPhone takes pretty rad pictures, so when snapping away on the eve of the Super Blue Blood Moon, make sure you're equipped with the best apps for scenic shots. You can't go wrong with Snapseed or VSCO's filters and photo editing tools that'll surely take your moon picture to the next level.

Get Your Moon Facts Right Before Heading Outside

Before you set up camp and gaze up at the sky, make sure you have your moon facts straight, as the total lunar eclipse is not an all-night-long affair. Wherever you are, timing is truly everything. You don't want to miss the moment when the Earth will be totally eclipsing the moon, giving it its beautiful red color.

The West Coast will receive the best views at 3:48 a.m. PT. You will want to snap a picture when the moon is truly a Blood Moon, aka during its umbra stage. The East Coast has its best views at 6:48 a.m ET, and the moon will set 16 minutes later. So, if you happen to be on the East Coast, you'll need to get your camera ready to snap away, because you'll only have a short period of time to capture the perfect pic.

Location Is Everything

Deirdre Malfatto/Stocksy

Just about everyone who sees the Super Blue Blood Moon will be wanting to whip out their phones and snap a pic of it, so to really make yours stand out, you'll need the perfect location. The prime spot will also allow for you to watch the moon without any obstruction.

If you live in the city, escaping from all of the lights will allow you to capture a better picture of the moon. You and your friends can take a quick trip and rent an Airbnb somewhere in the local mountains just outside the city for a pristine backdrop. You could also take a trip to your local beach. Don't forget the blankets and warm drinks to keep you toasty while you're moon-watching. If you can't escape the city, finding a rooftop will definitely help bring you closer to the moon, and give you an optimum setting for your pic.

Whether you're going for that award winning photo or just something to document on your Instagram, you do not want to miss the Super Blue Blood Moon. So, after taking your awesome pictures, remember to take a moment to just look up in the sky and see the moon with your naked eye. It will truly be a super sight to see.