Nominate Your Local Bar To Win $50K With Planters' $1 Million Super Bowl Giveaway
Even though Planters famously gave us the cuteness that is Baby Nut during the 2020 Super Bowl, the brand is opting out of airing a commercial for 2021. As the coronavirus pandemic continues, Planters is giving back to the small businesses that need it most during this time with a $1 million giveaway benefitting locally-owned bars — and it needs your help to pick the 20 recipients. Here's how to enter Planters' $1 million Super Bowl 2021 giveaway to help some of the local bars in your community.
You have until Sunday, Feb. 7 at 11:59 p.m. ET to enter your favorite bar in the running during the A Nut Above contest, which will award 20 different locally-owned bars with $50,000 each. To enter a non-franchise bar or sports bar into the running, you'll need to use a public Twitter account to tweet a nomination describing how this particular business has exceeded expectations when serving its community and why it deserves the cash. In your tweet, you'll need to include the name of the bar as well as the city and state where it's located, or you can tag it by its Twitter handle if available. Last but not least, make sure you include the hashtags #ANutAbove and #Contest in your tweet
There are a few fine print details to keep in mind. First, you must 21 years old or older to enter. Both bar owners and patrons can participate in nominating a business (although you have to get the permission of the bar first if you're a customer), and the bar you decide to nominate can't be part of a chain. Lastly, keep in mind that while photos will not improve your chances that your bar of choice will be picked, you'll need to make sure that your photo is only of the bar and doesn't include any photos of people other than yourself.
Planters will have a panel of judges select winners based on the businesses that "best demonstrated their commitment to go above and beyond and had the most significant impact on the community they serve," giving you an idea of what to highlight in your nominations. Winners will be notified by phone or by email in March 2021 (or Planters might reach out to the nominator for contact information if there is none publicly available). In the next eight to 10 weeks, all winning bars will receive $50,000 in cash, which they can use for their business.
Keep in mind the coronavirus safety guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for dining at restaurants and going to bars as of Jan. 30. The CDC cautions that doing so might increase your chances of contracting COVID-19. If possible, try to take out food or drink to bring home with you. If you do choose to visit a bar, sit outdoors, wear a mask at all times you're not actively eating or drinking, practice social distancing, and minimize the time you stay there to limit exposure. And as always, you should stay home if you are sick.
It's been a tough year for everyone, so don't wait on making your favorite local bar's 2021 a little brighter by taking a few minutes and nominating them before Feb. 7.
If you think you’re showing symptoms of coronavirus, which include fever, shortness of breath, and cough, call your doctor before going to get tested. If you’re anxious about the virus’s spread in your community, visit the CDC for up-to-date information and resources, or seek out mental health support. You can find all of Elite Daily's coverage of coronavirus here.