Why Your Sister Is The Best Music Festival Buddy You Could Ever Ask For

My sister is my go-to concert buddy. We have been to over 30 concerts together in our lives, and that number will just continue to grow. There's just something about finding that perfect concert companion who makes going to big music festivals so much more of a memorable experience. You want someone who is into the same music you are, down to follow a solid game plan, and someone who will totally rock out in a crowd with you. These people are truly hard to find, but that's why it's no wonder going to a music festival with your sister is the ideal situation.

She is your BFF after all, so you already do everything together. A music festival is just the next thing to check off your bucket list. If you've ever been to one, you know it's a pretty big deal, and the people you're with can either make it or break it. When you've already spent lots of money on tickets and travel, you definitely want to ensure you have an experience that will last a lifetime and memories that are stronger than any Instagram post. That's why taking your sis is your best bet for the most rockin' experience that will have you dancing the night away, and you know it's because of these nine reasons.

You Like The Same Bands, So Scheduling Is Easy

You and your sister have been sharing the same things since you were in diapers. From toys, to clothes, to even some of the same favorite bands. This totally comes in handy when you're scheduling out what stages to prioritize at a big music festival. It's already hard enough choosing between what bands to see, so make it easy by having someone who will most likely always be down for what you like.

She Will Keep You Well-Hydrated

I'm the little sis, so my big sister is always watching out for me. Even as I get older, it's kind of annoying when she babies me, but it is nice to have someone there who's always got your back. Sometimes, you're too busy running around and trying to see everything that you forget to drink enough water. As the sunshine is beating down on you, it's important to stay hydrated. Your sis, of course, is there to keep you in check.

You Know How To Dance It Out Together Like Total Girl Bosses

My favorite part of any concert is turning to my sis, and just jamming out to our favorite songs. When you've got your sister by your side, it's just second nature to let it all out. You're just dancing it out like no one is watching, like Meredith and Cristina on Grey's Anatomy. That truly is the best kind of dancing.

You Like Standing In The Same Spots In The Crowd

Everyone has a personal preference for where they like to stand in a crowd. It may even change from band to band. I know my sister and I like to stand towards the back so we can dance more, but for other bands, we like to get as close as possible. You and your sister are so in sync, you know exactly where to go without even asking.

It's The Perfect Reason To Reunite If You're Long-Distance

My sister and I live in different states now, so we're always looking for a good excuse to travel to see each other. A music festival is the perfect reason for a reunion. You get to catch up, and experience some of your favorite bands together. That's winning all around.

You Trust Her To Take The Some Quality, Insta-Worthy Pics

As much as you're trying to live in the moment and not be on your phone the entire time, you do love snapping some quality pictures to remember everything. Your sister is the best photographer you could ask for if you're looking to snap some cute pics in your festival outfit. She is also really good about sharing her videos of the concerts right away, so you don't have to track her down for them later.

You Can Pack Your Festival Clothes In A Shared Suitcase

When you're heading off to a big music festival, you want to pack light, but also want to look fab the whole time. Lucky for you and your sis, you are pros at sharing clothes. You're able to share suitcases and swap sundresses, so you don't have to bring as much with you.

You Know When It's Time To Take A Break To Recharge

You pride yourselves on being totally honest with each other. A music festival can be non-stop, but sometimes, you just need to take a little breather and soak it all up. You feel completely comfortable letting your sister know you need to stop and chill for a bit. She will totally understand, and probably needs to rest for a bit as well.

She Constantly Has Your Back In The Crowds

These festivals can get crowded AF. I know my sister has my back when we're trapped in a crowd to elbow some people who are being rude, or just make sure I'm having a good time and can see the band. I do the same for her. You will keep each other in check, so the party never has to stop.