Baskin-Robbins Is Offering $1.50 Ice Cream Scoops Today & I'm Ready For Dessert
Don't get me wrong, I am a huge fan of summer. But in all honesty, the tail end of May is probably my single most favorite time of year. I mean, really, between endless BBQs, the just-getting-warm weather, and most importantly, ice cream season, it's pretty ideal. And while I realize that ice cream is fantastic year-round, there's absolutely nothing better than enjoying a cone on a warm almost-summer day. If you feel me on this, you should probably know that Baskin-Robbins is offering $1.50 ice cream scoops in honor of their "Celebrate 31" promotion. As you'd imagine, I am so hyped.
Few things in life are better than a cheap cone, which is why I'm informing all of you that Baskin-Robbins is selling any size scoops for $1.50 (plus tax) on Thursday, May 31, according to an event on their Facebook page. The deal will be available during their regular operating hours at all participating locations. The best part is that you won't have to schlep any coupons around with you. That's right: You'll just have to show up, and order any cone of your choice. It's that freaking simple, y'all. I'll see you there!
In case you didn't already know, this gorgeous deal is part of Baskin-Robbins' semi-regular "Celebrate 31" deal, according to SimpleMost. Apparently, the ice cream shop known for its 31 unique flavors does this on the 31st day of every month that has 31 days. So if you can't make it today, keep in mind that they'll be doing it again in July, August, October, and even in December, on New Year's Eve. I'm honestly kind of bummed that I haven't known about this outrageous deal for the last 24 years, but I suppose it's never to late to start enjoying a cheap cone whenever I can, right?
There's something I need to warn you about before you go, though. Make sure you take a second and think about what you want ahead of time, because according to SimpleMost, Baskin-Robbins has surpassed its days of 31 flavors. That's right — the beloved ice cream shop now has an impressive 56 flavors, and I honestly have no freaking idea what to do with myself. Will I want cookie dough? Possibly cherry? Maybe a little Boston Creme Pie? UGH, I don't know, I don't know! Listen, I really don't want to hold up the line when I make my get to the front, so if you need me, I'll just be contemplating life's hardest decision: what flavor to get. Seriously, don't mind me, I'll be OK.
When you go to Baskin-Robbins today, don't forget to document your experience on Instagram... because, seriously, everyone loves a good ice cream pic. Before photographing your cone, though, look into some professional food photography tips, because photo quality on IG is vital. First, clean your lens, and make sure to make your background interesting. Embrace all surrounding shadows, texture, and the fact that your hand will, in fact, be in the photo. Also think about what you're wearing (if you're planning on being in the shot), maybe add a little lighting, and properly make use of negative space. And finally, have some fun editing. With a variety of photo editing apps out there, there are so many options these days. The world is literally your oyster.
OK y'all, I am so ready for my $1.50 cone, it's not even funny. I am pretty much planning my entire day around Baskin-Robbins' Celebrate 31, so if you do decide to go, I'll see you there. Oh, but let me know what cone you're getting first. I need some inspiration, because choosing will definitely be the hardest part of my day. Happy licking!