Eric From 'Bachelor Winter Games' Revealed New Show Details & They're Juicy – EXCLUSIVE
Eric Bigger won over everyone's heart as the genuine and energetic personal trainer competing for Rachel Lindsay's heart on Season 13 of The Bachelorette. Fans loved his positive, heartfelt vibes so much that it was only a matter of time before Eric appeared on a Bachelor franchise spinoff show. The Bachelor Winter Games contestant spoke to Elite Daily about his experiences on the upcoming series, and you're definitely going to want to read up on these juicy Bachelor Winter Games details from Eric Bigger.
Given his emotional departure from Rachel's season of The Bachelorette last year, it was certainly commendable of Eric to have reentered the Bachelor world so quickly. He spilled on why he took on the Winter Games opportunity wholeheartedly:
I think the Winter Games was just another opportunity not only to find love, but make connections within the Bachelor family. And I’ve never been to Vermont. Then there’s the challenge as far as winter sports — I grew up in Baltimore, where we only have winter sports available! So it was just an opportunity for me not only to grow but be in a different vibration and learn more about myself when it comes to love, challenges, and just life in general. So that was the whole purpose of going, and then producers of the show reached out towards the end of the year and I didn’t think I would be going, but I was open to it and I went for it...I’d just done The Bachelorette prior to that...and emotionally it was a long year.
As viewers saw on The Bachelorette, Eric was initially skeptical of the show's dating process, but as the competition continued, he developed a sweet bond with Rachel. When it came to joining a larger, co-ed group on Winter Games, he definitely picked up on the stylistic differences between the two shows and what it meant for his game strategy:
Winter Games is similar to Bachelor in Paradise, so you have options, which was not as easy, because then you’ve got to... initiate and create a relationship or figure out when and where to strike or who you connect with. And there are multiple women, so it was just different. So it forces you to think and have a different approach than just having one person, like Rachel was on my season with a bunch of other guys.
Although Bachelor in Paradise does have a notable record of producing lasting couples, it sounds like Winter Games helped form relationships even more efficiently. The contestants lived in an actual house as opposed to the beach resort seen on Paradise, and Eric picked up on ways that the cozy indoor setting helped bring people together:
I just think that the couples formed just based on the spur of the moment. You could wake up one morning and you’re in the kitchen and somebody from an international side or the American side, they’re cooking eggs together!...I think the environment itself is just a thing that we’re allowed to do outside of just dates and events, you know, it’s just freefall. So I think the house helped a lot of relationships form.
For Eric personally, having that freedom to pursue so many different people wasn't always beneficial.
There were so many different people, so if you didn’t find someone right away that you connected with, then it was hard to lock in on someone... You had more options, and I believe less is more when it comes to dating. More energies, more options, there’s more difficulty and there’s a lot more challenges but different strokes for different folks. I just think more people... didn’t make it better. It was a little more challenging.
Although finding a romantic connection was never guaranteed for Winter Games contestants, having worthwhile encounters with the international members of Bachelor Nation was an inevitable reward of the experience. For Eric, finding out who these people were outside of their franchise fame was the most captivating.
I just think what was quite interesting was that they’re similar to us, as far as their show, finding love, and...the cultural difference when it comes to contestants like Yuki from Japan. You know, I watched her pray over her food, which was interesting... I met a guy named Kevin from Canada who’s a firefighter. He talked about his life as a firefighter and the things you go through. I think what was intriguing was their personal stories and their relationship outside of the Bachelor Nation, outside of the TV, outside of the show. I think that was more intriguing than anything else I could imagine - the people themselves and their personalities and who they are from within and not for what we see on TV.
Being a more recent addition to the Bachelor franchise, Eric also spoke about valuing his new friendships with American members of Bachelor Nation. I don't know about you, but I'd pay good money to see a spinoff show starring Eric and former Bachelor Ben Higgins.
I think me and Ben Higgins created a great relationship and that was my first time meeting him, and he’s an awesome person. He gave me some insight on a few things. It was interesting just to hear his story and what love meant to him. And everybody else, you know, some of the girls from Arie’s season, Lauren and Bibiana - Bibiana’s a great person, interesting character. And the international cast, I think all those moments that I got to connect with those people and talk about them as a whole just stood out most to me, because I got to learn about someone I never knew before, so it was great.
As for potential future appearances on summer series Bachelor in Paradise, Eric has followed past contestants' footsteps and wised up about what the actual filming situation would be like.
[Winter Games] made me more aware of what goes on and how it would go down. It’s not as easy as it might look. It’s fulfilling but there’s some [variances] that play. Like I said, it’s multiple people and you’ve gotta make a connection. If you don’t make a connection, then there’s no point, right? I think it encourages me to be more aware going into a situation like Bachelor in Paradise, saying like, 'OK, this is what’s going on, this is what might go down, and, OK, I know now,' opposed to me going in there blinded and not knowing.
It sounds like Eric emerged from his Winter Games experience on a retrospective note. Anyone who has read his takes on astrology knows that such reflection is the norm for him. As for his post-show plans, Eric is releasing his own podcast, Bigger Talks, on Valentine's Day this Wednesday. The official description for the PodcastOne show reads:
Join The Bachelorette's Eric Bigger each week as he opens up a conversation space that brings together unexpected guests to have unexpected conversations. Through a diverse group of writers, actor, experts, and influencers, Eric will facilitate engaging and necessary discussions about the sub-cultures of American life, highlighting the strength of diversity and the power of vulnerability.
Until you can add his podcast to your streaming queue, you can catch the premiere of The Bachelor Winter Games on Tuesday, Feb. 13, at 8 p.m. ET on ABC. Good luck to Eric and the other contestants!