If You're Any Of These 3 Zodiac Signs, You're Going To Make Boss Moves In April
The world has slowed down the past couple of weeks, but there is nothing remotely subtle about the month of April, at least not from an astrological standpoint. So when I tell you why April 2020 will be the best career month for these zodiac signs, make sure to keep an open mind: Taurus, Cancer, and Virgo.
Before the full moon on April 7, Venus will enter Gemini and Jupiter will join forces with Pluto in Capricorn. This alone speaks volumes, but there's more. The sun will officially make its debut in sensual Taurus on April 19, and there will be a new moon in the same sign on April 22. A few days afterward, powerful Pluto will begin its five-month-long retrograde journey through Capricorn. Granted, Pluto retrogrades every year, but this doesn't mean you'll know exactly what to expect. This is especially true with Capricorn's planetary ruler, Saturn, transiting through Aquarius, whereas last year, Saturn was still transiting through its sign of rulership. Reality check will be an understatement.
Something else to keep in mind is, Saturn governs everything revolving around discipline, structures, and authority figures; therefore, career themes will be very prominent during this time. Are you ready for lift off?
Please note: If you're someone who's been stressing the undeniable chaos happening in the world right now, I want you to look at this from a completely different perspective. This collective chaos will turn into a beautiful revolution before you know it. Don't stop believing in yourself.
If you're a Taurus, Cancer, or Virgo, here's what to expect in terms of your professional life this month:
Taurus: You're As Bold As Ever And You're Ready To Win
I sincerely believe your biggest challenge this past year or so has been to embrace the changes happening all around you. What you may not know is, everything happens for a reason and all of this beautiful chaos will soon turn into gold. April will interesting, and for a number of reasons. Go-getter Mars will be igniting your ambitious 10th house of career and public reputation. This will not only give you a nice burst of red-hot energy, it will also link up with your luscious planetary ruler via your financial sector and area of unique abilities. Don't be afraid to be bold, Taurus. This is your moment to shine and, even more importantly, to break free.
Cancer: You're Finally Ready To Do Things Differently
Admit it, Cancer. You're secretly competitive, you just struggle with the thought of confronting someone you care about, not to mention losing. However, this isn't about any of those shadowy fears lurking in the back of your psyche; this is about you and your inner fire. The question is, are you ready to tap into it and share it with the rest of the world? Making enough money to pay rent and splurge every once in a while is one thing, but doing something you're legitimately passionate about is another.
Also, with serious Saturn giving you a prelude of what's to come via your eighth house of joint ventures, you're getting a sweet glimpse of what you're capable of, especially in terms of your individual finances. Serious question: Who said you couldn't run your own business and be successful at it, Cancer?
Virgo: You're Making An Impression On Your Superiors
Show the world what you're really made of, Virgo. Aside from go-getter Mars activating your orderly sixth house of routine and due diligence, you also have electric Uranus revolutionizing your expansive ninth house of entrepreneurship.
Venus will also caramelize your career-driven 10th house of prestige, profession, and destiny in the world. Do you get when you combine all of these celestial cocktails? The taste of freedom. This is your moment to shine and I know you feel it in your bones. What are you afraid of? Uranus wants to help you be disruptive and unique with your delivery, and Venus is here to help you look good while doing it. Analyze, reflect, and strategize. It's time, Virgo.