
Amy Schumer Knew Immediately That Chris Fischer Was "The One" & It’s So Adorable

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If you think love at first sight is just some unrealistic trope only seen in Hollywood movies, then you might want to consult with Amy Schumer. The comedienne and actress gushed about her new husband, Chris Fischer, on TODAY while promoting her new film I Feel Pretty. And she claims that she just knew, almost immediately, that they were meant to be. So, how long did it take before Amy Schumer knew Chris Fischer was “The One”?

A month. Literally. Well, at least according to Schumer. During an April 11 interview on TODAY, host Savannah Guthrie asked how soon Schumer. 36, knew that Fischer, 38, was the one for her.

Schumer’s response? “I think like a month in.”

Hey, the girl moves fast and knows what she wants! Can’t blame her, really. Gotta snag the love of your life while you have the chance, lest they get away too soon! What can I say? I’m a hopeless romantic and I kind of live for love stories like this!

But in all seriousness, can you imagine knowing a month into getting to know someone that they were the one for you? Clearly, those tried and true Hollywood movie tropes do have some merit in the real world. Like so many couples, Schumer and Fischer, who is an award-winning chef, started out as just good friends. They met through Schumer’s personal assistant, Molly, who also happens to be Fischer’s sister. Talk about a family affair! Apparently, the two were friends for six months before they officially started dating.

So, does that mean Schumer knew he was the one after the first month of being friends? Or after the first month of dating? While the details of that remain unclear, what is clear is that Schumer seems incredibly happy to be married and in love. Couldn’t be happier for this funny gal!

Here’s what she had to say to Savannah Guthrie during her interview on TODAY:

In a recent interview with Howard Stern, Schumer also explained that the couple met when Fischer suggested he cook for her sometime while relaxing in Martha’s Vineyard. The relationship didn’t truly get romantic until a while later, when they paired up to plan a birthday party for Schumer’s friend and fellow comedienne Rachel Feinstein.

“I got that feeling where all the blood goes to all the places,” Amy told Stern. “It just changed.”

The two lovebirds also asked Schumer’s assistant if she was comfortable with them being a couple. Thankfully, good ol’ Molly said yes because what might’ve happened had she kept them apart? This couple is seriously so darn adorable.

And guess what, it was actually Fischer — not Schumer, who we all know is incredibly bold — who made the first move.

As Schumer explains it, Fischer took matters into his own hands at what may seem to many like an inopportune moment (Schumer was bending over to clean up after her dog):

“He came up behind me and he put his arms around me and he kissed my neck. And it was on and then we were just so open with each other.”

Wait, no so fast! This wasn’t the only move the award-winning chef had up his sleeve. No, no, no. He had so many more. He also, somehow, managed to propose to Schumer in the middle of the night while Schumer was fast asleep and wearing a night mask. Talk about unexpected! And also kind of hilarious and endearing when you really think about it.

All in all, the Schumer and Fischer seem like a great couple. Love seeing them happy!