This Hashtag About Life-Changing Celeb Crushes Went Viral & I'm 13 Years Old Again
For most people, having a first crush was a super important part of growing up. Even if you look back and don't understand what your little mind was thinking, that first crush was a big moment. Whether it was on the cutie in daycare who you "married at recess", or that famous hunk on TV who you just couldn't get out of your head — everyone remembers their first crush. Understandably, when a Twitter hashtag about celebrity crushes in particular started trending on Sunday, people everywhere chimed in.
Twitter user Tim Carmody (@tcarmody) took to the social media platform on Sunday to ask a super important question: "Who were your biggest, most formative celebrity crushes?" Now, it's important to note that the question wasn't about first crushes, just the most crucial celeb crushes people have had. You know, the crushes that stand the test of time — the ones that helped empower sexual awakenings or newfound desires. Naturally, people flooded to respond to the question, and their answers range from cartoon characters to A-list heartthrobs. Seriously, the responses are both relatable, hilarious, and somewhat questionable. But to each their own, especially when it comes to affairs of the heart.
The concept of thinking back to your most formative celebrity crushes is super intriguing. So intriguing, in fact, that celebrities themselves got in on the action.
Obviously, everyone will have different celebrity crushes, but answers like Leonardo DiCaprio, Heath Ledger, Kate Winslet, and Carrie Underwood were definitely given more than once. Oh, and in case you were wondering, my answers would be: T.J. from the show Recess, Nick Jonas, and Tom Selleck. I know, I'm weird.
Really, taking the time to have a look back at the crushes who made you who you are, in a sense, is a great idea. You might just realize that you have a type, which is totally normal. Or, you might just have a laugh. Either way, there's no going wrong with a stroll down memory lane.
Obviously, there are about a thousand other celebs who are totally crush-worthy, but as I mentioned before, this Twitter thread was more about those celebrity crushes that really meant something. Sure, there are celebs who are swoon-worthy, but these are the ones who made an impact on people. While I may be biased, I, for one, definitely think that there was one tweet about a celeb crush that really took the cake.
Last, but certainly not least...
Yes, it really has always been Bugs Bunny, hasn't it? Who among you can truly say that you didn't have a little crush on Bugs Bunny at some point? His floppy ears? Le sigh! His signature voice and "What's up doc?" moments? The stuff of fairytales, to be honest.
All jokes aside, this Twitter moment was definitely a welcome distraction to everything else going on in the world, and also provided plenty of thirst traps. And for that, I am eternally grateful.