9 Women Reveal Why They Prefer Bikini Waxes Before They Get Intimate
I've been getting bikini waxes for about five years now and I have no regrets. Well, one: they're expensive. Other than that though, I'm happy to swap a few minutes of excruciating pain for smooth skin down there. With all the horror stories about pain (they're all true), you're probably wondering, "Why do women do bikini waxes?"
Well, I started getting bikini waxes after I got out of a four-year, long-distance relationship. I realized that because I'd gotten used to never having to dress up or look special for anyone while my partner and I lived in different countries that I'd sort of given up on myself. Ultimately, my decision to get a bikini wax was inspired by a desire to regain my confidence, in and out of the bedroom. Yeah, it hurt like hell but I felt sexier and strangely powerful afterward. I figured if I could get through a bikini wax, I could get through anything else life threw at me that year. I especially loved that I had done it purely for myself since I wasn't seeing anyone at the time.
Ironically, since then, I've noticed that I'm much better about keeping up my wax routine when I'm single. I think it's because when I'm in a relationship, I get so comfortable that a little stubble really doesn't phase me. Luckily, it's never bothered any of my partners, either. I honestly think I enjoy the feeling more than they do.
That's just my story, though. Here's why nine other women say they get regular bikini waxes.
It's all about self-confidence.
I prefer little to no hair for myself and I find waxing to be so convenient and preferable to shaving, because it lasts so much longer, takes less time and isn’t itchy or bothersome right after or when growing back. I just feel better overall after a wax and more confident too! It makes me feel more confident and comfortable when it comes to dating and sex, although I have maintained my waxing routine regardless of my status. The guys I have been with have never pressured me either way.
— Ann*, 23
It's aesthetically pleasing.
I like the way it looks. That's pretty much it.
It's a nice thing to do for yourself.
I used to occasionally wax just for myself before beach vacations, but once I got into a relationship, I started doing waxes more regularly. My boyfriend has never expressed a preference either way, but personally, I feel more confident after a wax, so that's why I do it. As much as I prefer to be bare, waxing is expensive, so I had a hard time justifying the cost regular appointments to myself when I was single. To me, it feels a little bit more reasonable now that I'm dating someone.
— Kyra*, 24
It turns your partner on.
Australian brazilian waxer here, been having them done since I was 19 years old and I'm almost 35, so it's obviously my preference! I've done everything from having it all the way off, to leaving a 'landing strip', to leaving a little trimmed triangle. My SO actually prefers me to leave a little bit of trimmed hair to look more 'womanly' so I'll often ask for this at the salon, but some girls I've noticed aren't confident enough to do a nice even strip at the front. I don't really mind, as long as it's aaaaalllllll off from underneath.
It moves things along under the covers, literally.
I wax it all off, front and back, every 6 weeks or so. It's a little pricey but I like the look and the ride is slicker. Plus he doesn't get those little hairs caught in the back of his throat.
It's empowering AF.
I had my first Brazillian a few months ago at age 51. Lover (M) and I were playing with a woman (first time for me - she specifically wanted to go down on me) and I wanted to feel "clean" and unselfconscious.
Up until then, shaved or trimmed. After my c-section, my pubes stopped growing anywhere between my bellybutton and my mons pubis - but it seems to be creeping down my thighs and up my ass crack! And it's going gray/white...
I like the waxing - if it wasn't so pricey, I'd do it regularly.
Get a bikini for any of these reasons but most importantly, get a bikini wax because you want to.
*Names have been changed. Quotes have been edited and condensed for clarity.