8 Things To Share With Your Bestie That'll Save You A Ton Of Cash In Your 20s

by Jasmine Vaughn-Hall

Sharing has always been caring — and when it comes to your BFF, there is no limit to how much you would give. Life is a balancing act, though, and as much as you don't nickel and dime anyone, adulting means knowing what is going to save you some major dough (and I don't mean the yummy kind you can bake). Thankfully, there are things to share with your best friend that will save you so much money in your 20s.

Try to consider all of the things that happen during this decade of your life. You are going through and finishing school, living on your own, and getting started in your career. You will have those moments where you'll wish life would stop handing you bills and financial obstacles — but it isn't ever really going to pause. Luckily, you and your BFF are already used to sharing, so tossing in the idea of simultaneously adulting won't be unappealing.

You get to do this together, and trust me, you are going to need her support. Money isn't everything, but you two are obviously going to need it to survive. And while your BFF is priceless, sharing any of these things with her will keep more money in your pockets.

01A Cute, Shoebox Apartment


Rent is absolutely insane these days. Sure, who wouldn't want the trendy loft lifestyle in New York City that they can afford all on their own? It sounds like a true dream, but it's not realistic for many of us — and having a roommate isn't such a discouraging idea when it's your best friend. You'll be able to decorate it together, and make so many awesome memories there.

02Bar Tabs

Kayla Snell/Stocksy

If you ladies are 21 and up, frequenting a bar now and then might be in your agenda. Hitting those happy hours is essential after a long work day, but if you guys also split the tab, you might save even more cash. So, clink those glasses an extra time to commemorate how much that said drink isn't going to hurt your wallet so much. Next round?

03Beauty Products

Chelsea Victoria/Stocksy

OK, I know there are so many different beauty routines, makeup shades, and shampoos — but there's still room for sharing if you're both game for it. Love the same primer, or have you been wanting to cop her vibrant nails? Share the products that you can, because beauty products are not cheap.


Guille Faingold/Stocksy

You two borrow each other's clothes anyway, so this shouldn't be too hard. When you get older, you can't have every single item of clothing that you see. Bringing both of your closets together is the best way to tend to that FOMO on new wardrobe options and combinations. Ya'll can't afford a weak moment of intense retail therapy.

05A Designer Bag

Carey Shaw/Stocksy

In my opinion, every lady deserves that one designer bag that gives you butterflies because it is so freaking cute. You are going to have to shell out some major dough for one, but splitting the cost will lessen the blow. You probably won't use this bag every single day, so it shouldn't be too complicated swapping it with your BFF.

06Gas Points

Thais Ramos Varela/Stocksy

Gas points are IRL angels that make you want to do your happy dance. Racking up these babies is like an adult's form of an arcade game.

These points usually take a good amount off of each gallon, depending on how many you collect. You and your BFF will both have a full tank without having to skip a meal at your fave restaurant in order to fill it up. Let's be real — it happens.

07Employee Discounts


If you or your BFF work at a place where you can get discounts on the items you sell, use that benefit! Employee discounts are the GOAT — especially if your job provides things you could utilize often, like food. Think of it as your little reward for clocking in 40 hours a week there.

08A Cellphone Plan

Good Vibes Images/Stocksy

You might still be on your parent's plan, but to further reinforce your independence, you may want your own. Getting a plan with your BFF could save you money, because there will only be two lines for you to account for. Unlimited data isn't going to pay for itself.

Sharing money-saving things with your best friend will be the second best thing you ever did. Allowing her to become your BFF was the first.