8 Online Quizzes You Can Make That'll Keep Your Group Chat Occupied For Hours
You can't deny your friends know more about you than most people, but how well do they really know you? If you're in need of a fun activity and want to spice up the group chat, I have you covered. Test their knowledge and send them a quiz (or a few) from this list of the best online quiz makers for friends. Your group chat will be poppin' in no time, and who knows — you may learn something new about your besties.
If you have a hard time coming up with the perfect questions to ask, no need to fret. These eight quiz makers already have everything lined up for you, so all you need to do is fill in the blanks. Then, send the links to your friends for them to each answer. They'll either totally nail it when it comes to knowing exactly what you're thinking, or you'll have something fun to laugh about when you receive their answers.
Pretty much, these quizzes are a fun and simple way to bring you and your besties closer together. That means after you quiz them, they can quiz you, and soon enough, you'll be acing the best friend department like pros.
01Buddy Meter
The Buddy Meter is a great place to start. After entering your name and region, it'll generate 10 questions you can fill in the answers for. If you don't like any of the questions or answers that are generated, you can always swap them out for something new. After you've answered all the questions, it'll create a link to the quiz for your friends to take.
MateQuiz will also generate some fun generic questions for you to answer about yourself. If you're not feeling any of the questions or answers, you can always write in something new and more specific to your taste.
If you want to get down to the cold hard facts, Bestiefy's prewritten questions include things like your birthday and how many siblings you have. This is a great quiz to find out who out of your best friends would have gotten an 'A+' in school if the subject was you.
04Quiz Your Buddy
The Quiz Your Buddy form has different categories that range from your appearance, your tastes, and your specificities like what's the first thing you do in the morning. You only need to fill out 20 of the questions given for it to generate the quiz, so feel free to skip any you're unsure of.
The quiz you can make for your friends on Vonvon is appropriately named, "How Well Do You Know Me?" It may not allow you to switch up some of the multiple choice answers, but if you're not sure about any of the questions, you can just skip them.
06Quiz Maker
If you've got all your questions ready and don't need any suggestions, the best choice for you might be Quiz Maker. This easy-to-use form allows you to create your very own friend test from scratch. You can even upload pictures to go with the multiple choice answers.
07Quiz Your Friends
The Quiz Your Friends form also allows you to start from scratch, and it gives you the option of creating an instant quiz as well. With the instant quiz option, you'll still need to fill in the multiple choice answers for the questions, but it can be fun coming up with your own answers and including some Q's that may trick your friends.
Use IMQuiz to test your friend's knowledge with questions about what motivates you and what's your texting style. You can switch out the multiple choice answers with this form, but you can always skip a question you're not feeling.