7 Pretty Halloween Costume Ideas That Don't Involve Glass Slippers
Halloween costumes vary. It's literally a day we step out of the person we are used to dressing up as every day, and slip on something a little more dramatic. Sometimes, us ladies don't want to conceal ourselves in a white sheet, makeup stitches, or DIY blood. Picking out some pretty Halloween costume ideas are still technically considered a costume, you're just choosing to get dolled up instead of looking half dead.
Now, don't get me wrong, those nightmarish costumes are what make the Halloween spirit seem real, but they aren't the only costumes that make the night come to life. Halloween should be a mixture of gore and gorgeous; it's called balance. Instead of being something people run away from, you can be the person people are literally crawling to and admiring.
Pretty Halloween costumes don't get enough credit. They still involve a theme, accessorizing, and of course, a successful execution of the character being depicted. You can still get in the spirit of Halloween if you're swapping fangs for hair flips, or stitches for stilettos. So, if you're planning on putting together a pretty Halloween costume this year, there are way more options out there that don't involve being a princess or a fairy.
01Jessica Rabbit
Even if you've never seen Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, Jessica Rabbit and her voluptuousness, elegant gloves, and vibrant red lips are pretty well-known. Also, that glittery red dress is so fabulous, you'll have no choice but to be the center of attention. Don't let the glamorous get-up fool you, though. Jessica was beautiful and bold. So, be sure to fully depict her character well.
Cleopatra's beauty is timeless. From the accessories to the gorgeous dresses, the woman was the epitome of royalty and grace. For this particular look, wearing an ornate headpiece is almost a given. It's one of the main things you think about when you recall Cleopatra. Don't be shy with the gold, either. There should be traces of it in your makeup, dress, and other attire.
03Marilyn Monroe
It's hard to think of unforgettable beauty and not mention Marilyn Monroe. Her fashion sense and iconic roles and poses are still relevant today. Wearing that perfectly iconic blonde wig is the only way to top off her look. Marilyn Monroe was fierce and really danced to the beat of her own drum. Get ready to lollygag near street vents.
04Poison Ivy
You don't have to have a green thumb to pull off the Poision Ivy look. She's charming, and those hair buns give us such a Spice Girls feel, we can hardly handle it. If you want to keep the actual outfit simple and embellish on the long list of makeup options, start out with a green Poison Ivy bodysuit, and then pin some random greenery where you see fit. Yeah, she's poisonous, but still pretty.
05Wonder Woman
Being Wonder Woman is the ultimate way to strut your love for the empowerment of women this Halloween. She's not only like a goddess, but she cares about the well-being of mankind. You definitely have to have those powerful bracelets and elegant headband in order to really nail her look.
06Sandy From 'Grease'
Let's face it, we all want an incredible makeover like Sandy got. Getting our hands on those perfectly fitted black pants is also on our bucket list. If you didn't come with your own Danny or John Travolta, you'll certainly snag yourself one before the end of the night. To be Sandy is opting to be a thirst trap.
07Bride Of Frankenstein
The bride of Frankenstein was seriously gorgeous... even if she wasn't necessarily alive. Her look can be masterfully put together as a pretty Halloween costume. From the pale face to the even whiter hair streaks (you can obtain from color temporary hairspray), her whole ensemble stands out and is the perfect mixture of spooky and beautiful. You'll get so much attention, you won't even remember that you didn't bring a Frankenstein with you.
Assembling a pretty Halloween costume takes some time, but it will certainly be worth it in the end. Put the boo in BOOtiful this year.