Here Are The Best Ways To Recharge If You're An Extrovert Who Secretly Hates Going Out

by Julia Guerra

If I’ve learned anything growing up, it’s that people want to neatly file personalities under two categories: extrovert and introvert. While extroverts are typically recognized as the social butterflies of society, making the rounds from one event to the next with a smile, introverts don't necessarily have a monopoly over being the wallflowers of the world. There are introverts who aren’t terrified of group settings, and believe it or not, there are extroverts who feel exhausted after too much socializing. Not unlike their socially anxious counterparts, there are ways for extroverts to recharge after a day of overexerting themselves at work, school, and happy hours galore, because at the end of the day, there can be such a thing as being too social. No matter what type of person you are, "me time" is blessing.

While there are certainly some people who fall under the linear definitions of introvert and extrovert, there's a strong gray area that often gets overlooked. These peeps are called ambiverts, and ambiverts can be both introverted and extroverted, depending on their mood. Taking that into consideration, it's kind of unfair to assume extroverts are always up for drinks after back-to-back meetings at the office. After all, everyone has their limits; it's simply a matter of identifying your own.

So, whether you live for or absolutely loathe group outings, too much of a good thing is almost always a bad thing. If you're an extrovert looking for a way to unwind after too much face-time, here are a few ways to recharge and reset before doing it all over again tomorrow.

01Take A Break From All Things Social, Including Your Phone


This might be a toughie for people who fall under that linear definition of extroverted, but here's the thing about being social all the time: When you're constantly making it a point to get to know others, when do you really have the time to get to know yourself?

Doctor of psychology and licensed clinical social worker, Dr. Danielle Forshee, LLC, tells Elite Daily that when extroverts have a moment to unplug, they should take full advantage, because "extroverts tend to believe that their identity is that of a social butterfly and nothing more."

Taking a break from social media platforms, even if just for a few hours at a time, can help you become "more in tune with yourself," Dr. Forshee says, and identify who you are outside of being an extrovert.

02Join In On Some Group Exercise


Just because extroverts like being around people doesn't necessarily mean they always want to round-robin the room and engage in deep conversation with every single person. Sometimes, just having that sense of community is enough.

A great way for extroverts to unwind, and still check that social interaction box, is to join a workout class like cycling or kickboxing. They'll feed off the energy of a crowded room, but will also be focused on kicking *ss and building up some endurance. Rest assured, endorphins can make you happy, even when striking up a convo with the instructor can't.

03Bury Yourself In A Book At Barnes & Noble


I know it might be a stretch to suggest hanging out at a library in 2018, but I'm pretty sure it's still cool to grab a coffee at one of the Barnes & Noble Starbucks cafes and sip on a grande mocha latte while you people-watch, right?

Going off the public-place-but-not-so-public-activity theme here, bookstores are a hot spot for antisocial individuals to coexist and feel somewhat communal. Lose yourself in a good book, scribble in a journal, or just enjoy an hour or so to yourself.

04Be Your Own Dinner Date


Being the introvert that I am, I might be a little biased here, but there are so many perks of taking yourself out to dinner that I think even extroverts would enjoy. For one thing, you don't have to worry about splitting the bill or running up someone else's tab. Order what you want, however much you want, and enjoy it.

To be honest, though, that's really the most selfish part of the whole ordeal. Eating alone, much like putting your phone on silent in your room for a few hours, can teach you a lot about yourself. Pay attention to your table manners, how you interact with the restaurant's staff, and how it feels to be completely alone. You might even start to prefer your own company to that of others, and maybe that's really not a bad thing from time to time.

05Recognize When You Need Space, And Take It


I know myself, and as an introvert, there have been plenty of times when I've found myself in social situations for hours on end, and felt almost stuck in my own skin, as if the walls were closing in around me, and there was just too much going on for me to function properly. It's normal, even for extroverts, to feel overwhelmed once in a while. The trick is to recognize when too much is actually too much, and identify when taking a step back to regroup is necessary.

Michael Alcee, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist based in Tarrytown, New York, tells Elite Daily that extroverts can achieve this by "taking a quiet walk to steep in their own thoughts and feelings, practicing a five- to 10-minute meditation, reading a short article, or just by downshifting their activity level to a slower speed without guilt."

The key, he says, is to remove yourself from the situation for just enough time to check in with how you're feeling.

06Tackle Some Housework With A Little Background Noise


Extroverts typically have a full social calendar around the clock, so I can only imagine how hard it is hard to carve out a few hours in their schedule for things like house chores. Look, I get it: Domestic to-dos are definitely low on my list of fun things to do with my free time, too, but according to House Beautiful UK, losing yourself in a cleaning frenzy can actually be therapeutic.

Of course, cleaning is typically a solo activity, so in order to not feel so lonely, extroverts could benefit from playing music, listening to a podcast, or turning on the TV for a little background noise. This way, you'll feel less by your lonesome while you wash the dishes or straighten out your room, and — *bonus* — according to a 2017 published in the journal PLOS One, listening to music while you work makes you more productive. Find your favorite tunes, and get to it, girl.