Maybe you and your boo have been fighting for a while. Or perhaps the split seemingly came out of absolutely nowhere. Whatever the case, there's no good time to break up with someone that you love. Of course, if you're a Gemini, Leo, or Virgo — aka one of the zodiac signs who will have their heart broken in 2020 — it may be helpful to get in tune with your head and your heart before the clock strikes midnight this New Year's eve.
Of course, you know your relationship better than anyone. While astrology can be fun to consider, it's certainly not the end-all, be-all of your love life. Though some romantic relationships are meant to stand the test of time, others are meant to teach you more about yourself and get you closer to the love you really want. And while it can be difficult to see the silver lining of a breakup, with enough time and space (and ice cream and Lizzo songs), even the most shattered of hearts can begin to heal.
If you've been thinking about taking some space from your relationship or wondering if 2020 is the year to call things off, you may be one of these three zodiac signs.
Gemini (May 21–June 20)
Open-minded Gemini can be a little indecisive about their love life. Don't get me wrong: It's good to look at things from different perspectives. But spending too much time wondering, "What if?" can make their date feel left behind. In 2020, Gemini may struggle to really make their feelings known and, ultimately, may lose the person they care about the most. While the twins don't need to start rushing into any big romantic decisions, it could be worthwhile for this air sign to really listen to what they want. Moreover, Gemini should try to express their desires and emotions directly to their partners.
Leo (July 23–Aug. 22)
While their vibrant personalities and gregarious nature often make Leo popular, in 2020, this lion may find themselves in a one-sided relationship with someone who can't seem to share the spotlight. While it's important to celebrate and honor everyone and ensure that both partners' needs are being met, Leo deserves to be with someone who shows them off and roots for their achievements, without competing or feeling petty. This lion may be able to talk to their boo about meeting each other's needs, but in 2020, they may find their partner is unable to really show up for them.
Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)
It's not that Virgo is trying to be critical — it's that they have high standards for themselves and their loved ones. Analytical and organized, Virgo likes to make a plan and stick with it. Of course, love happens on its own timeline, and in 2020, this earth sign may find themselves holding on a little too tightly to things that just aren't meant to be. While their ideal partner is dependable and always on time, Virgo may struggle to let the small stuff go and push their boo away in the process.
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