
These Mercury Retrograde Rituals Will Help You Stay Calm During The Cosmic Chaos

by Valerie Mesa

Isn't Mercury retrograde like the best thing ever? I'm obviously being sarcastic, but hey, at least we have something to blame for our epic fails, right? Not to worry, stargazers. Where there's a will there's a way, and I've got some Mercury retrograde rituals that can help you avoid the chaos. I know, what would you do without me? Although, before I share my cosmic witchery with you all, I want to make sure you know the ins-and-outs of this Mercury madness. For starters, everyone flips out during Mercury retro because real talk, Mercury pretty much runs our lives.

Imagine, we're talking about the messenger planet here. Not only does Mercury rule communication, it also governs everything from our cellphones and work calendars, to our siblings and source of transportation. It's the little things that suddenly start to matter, especially when it all comes crashing down. I think you'd agree with me when I say, no one likes to lose their cellphone — let alone their entire hard drive. With the messenger planet slowing down, these things are bound to happen. However, there are still ways to make the most out of these rough retrogrades, especially when Mercury is transiting through a sign as colorful as Leo. That said, here are three Mercury retrograde rituals to practice during this time:

Dance With The Fire

In astrology, Leo is the sign of the heart, as it represents the inner child. With Mercury Retrograde in Leo, the theme revolves around our heart's desires. However, there's nothing Leo loves more than the spotlight, and as a fire sign, its sporadic passions can seem a bit overwhelming, to say the least. Therefore, it's important that we release any pent up anxiety or fiery restlessness, through movement and dance.

You'll Need:

  • Your favorite music
  • Enough space to move
  • A positive mindset


Truth is, it doesn't matter where you are, as long as you're comfortable, and have enough space to move around freely. Close your eyes and move your body. Again, do whatever movements you feel most comfortable with, as long as you feel your inner fire in the process.


Remember, Leo is a fire sign, and Mercury rules our communication and thought process. Movement and passion is a representation of the fire element, and with Mercury slowing down, this is a perfect way to invoke your inner child, and release pent up stress.

Invoke Your Inner Child

Like I previously mentioned, Leo is a representation of your inner child, and unique light. Channeling this energy, can really help you develop a deeper sense of creativity, not to mention utter joy. Do you own any old photos from your childhood? Believe it or not, this is a perfect way to work with this energy.

You'll need:

  • A childhood photo or a toy.
  • An orange candle
  • A positive mindset


Light the candle, and hold onto the photo or toy, or both. Close your eyes and think of the things that make you the happiest. Remember the things that made you laugh as a child, and your favorite ways to play. Call upon this innocence, and ask it to guide you throughout your creative process.


The childhood item or photo, has your energy and essence. The orange candle is a representation of your sacral chakra, the chakra associated with creativity and self expression. Together, these two items can help you manifest your unique light.

Rose Quartz Meditation

Granted, meditating takes time, but it's also not as hard as it looks either. Simply closing your eyes, and being present in the moment is more than enough. Plus, Mercury retrograde is notorious for causing anxiety, so this exercise will benefit you either way.

You'll need:

  • Rose quartz
  • Sage smudge stick
  • A quiet space
  • A positive mindset


Make sure you sage your space and crystal before getting started. Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Place the rose quartz over your heart, and take several breaths. Inhaling and exhale deeply, imagining a beautiful white light shining straight from your heart into the sky.


Leo rules the heart, and the rose quartz can open up your heart chakra to unconditional love and positive energy flow. You are love and light.