
20 New Year's Eve Instagram Captions For The Single Girl Who DGAF About A NYE Kiss

With New Year's Eve rapidly approaching, it's time to get geared up for 2018. Most of us social media gurus will be waiting to capture the perfect moment to share with our circle. If you're in a relationship, then the pic and caption you post will likely be a no-brainer, as New Year's Eve is the perfect time to show off how hot of a couple you and your bae are. And if you're a single lady, you're probably going to need some New Year's Eve Instagram captions for single girls. When deciding on the perfect NYE 'gram, you're likely going to be choosing between a sexy solo shot or a skillfully-orchestrated squad pic to capture the fleeting magic of the last night of the year.

If we're being honest, 2017 has been a real back-breaker of a year, thanks to the country's growing political and social turmoil, which has left many of us fearful over what low-key apocalyptic event the future might have in store. Let just say that being single is certainly the least of our problems come 2018.

Although there's nothing wrong with wanting a Bonnie and Clyde-worthy partner in crime, we all know that the universe couldn't care less about our self-imposed timelines when it comes to dating. So in the meantime, while you're waiting for the bae of your dreams, instead of slipping into negativity — which happens to the best of us — remember to remind yourself and everyone else this New Year's Eve why you're actually single. It certainly isn't because no one wants to date you, but because you have yet to meet someone worthy enough for you to trade in singledom.

So rather than focusing on the things in your life that you think need improving, let's make New Year's Eve the night we come to peace with 2017, let go the need for a partner, and start off 2018 on an up! Here are some positive captions and quotes for all my independent ladies out there who totally DGAF about flying solo or NYE kisses— because the truth is, you alone are always something to celebrate.

1. “Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.” ― Brad Paisley

2. "The best is yet to come." — Frank Sinatra

3. "And so the adventure begins..." — Unknown

4. "There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind." — C.S. Lewis

5. "New Year, same me — because I'm already pretty fabulous." — Unknown

6. "Tonight's the night the world begins again." — The Goo Goo Dolls

7. "A little party never killed nobody." — Fergie

8. "Here's to 365 new chances." — Unknown

9. "Nouveau départ." — Unknown

10. "For last year’s words belong to last year’s language. And next year’s words await another voice.” — T. S. Eliot

11. "I would quit drinking Champagne for my New Year’s resolution, but nobody likes a quitter." — Unknown

12. "Don't look back. You are not going that way." — Unknown

13. "And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been." — Rainer Maria Rilke

14. "My New Year’s resolution is to be more optimistic by keeping my cup half-full with either rum, vodka, or whiskey." — Unknown

15. "Make it pop, like pink champagne." — Ariana Grande

16. "Pop, fizz, clink — time to conquer 2018 like a boss!" — Unknown

17. "Don’t forget the past. Learn from it. Happy New Year." — Unknown

18. "Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try. 2018 goals, here I come!" — Unknown

19. "New year. Same me. Bigger goals." — Unknown

20. "Every day is one step closer to summer 2018." — Unknown

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