19 Chelsea Clinton Quotes About Donald Trump That Will Give You Life
It's no secret that the president loves a good Twitter rant, often at the expense of other people. But he's got his critics, too, who are just as fearlessly vocal. In their David-and-Goliath exchanges, Chelsea Clinton has said hilarious things about Donald Trump, both on and offline. For the record, Clinton has considerable amount more restraint, whereas Trump is often the one picking fights. Regardless of who started it, Clinton tends to be the one to shut it down.
The former first daughter uses her Twitter power for good, and Clinton's Twitter account is an absolute gold mine. And she's not above serving up just what's been dished out, so to speak, when the situation calls for it.
For your reading pleasure, we've compiled some of the best of the best things Clinton has said to or about Trump since he took office.
Oct. 25, 2017
It was reported that National Parks would be raising their admission fees to finance much-needed repairs just months after announcing budget cuts, courtesy of the Trump administration. Clinton was all over it. She came, as usual, with her logic and critical thinking and other skills you hope people in high levels would have.
Oct. 20, 2017
Following Hurricane Maria's devastation in Puerto Rico, President Trump has been criticized for not doing enough to help the island, which is still about 80 percent without power. In response, Clinton called on the president to take more actions to help our fellow countrymen in the Caribbean.
Oct. 16, 2017
An article in the New Yorker about Vice President Mike Pence reported that a former staffer heard Trump joke about Pence wanting to hang gay people (yes, actually). Clinton was not having it.
Oct. 13, 2017
When Trump issued a speech promising to protect "Judeo-Christian values" during the Values Voter Summit, Clinton used the opportunity to hold his words up against other issues.
Because this woman just can't call him out enough, the same day she criticized Trump for supporting and speaking at what was regarded as a homophobic event based on informational materials.
Oct. 11, 2017
For the entire month of October, Clinton didn't let Puerto Rico — or Trump's response to it — out of her sight.
Sept. 20, 2017
Chelsea Clinton chastized Trump for blocking a woman with cancer when she criticized him over healthcare. In a tweet, she called him out by using his own unsavory reference to her mother against him.
Sept. 2, 2017
After the president was oddly cheerful about the response to Hurricane Harvey in Texas, even calling it a "wonderful thing," Clinton had a thing or two to say about it.
Aug. 1, 2017
In an interview with Sports Illustrated, Trump called the White House "a real dump," and Clinton wasn't having it. Without naming him, she tweeted her appreciation for the staff that keeps 1600 Pennsylvania Ave going strong.
July 10, 2017
The president and former first daughter had a nasty Twitter exchange when he referenced her and Ivanka Trump at the G20 Summit.
Jul, 9, 2017
Two days in a row! Dude can't catch a break. It's not clear what prompted Clinton to make the suggestion that the president read children's stories for moral guidance, but it can't hurt.
June 30, 2017
After reporter Glenn Thrush tweeted about the president's stance on Medicaid cuts, Clinton didn't miss a chance to dig deep.
May 31, 2017
In an interview with Teen Vogue, Clinton was asked about how she'd explain the year to her children. She said,
It has been very clear who Mr. Trump is for about longer than you or I have been alive. Unfortunately, we are just seeing that play out in ways that should not be surprising on a personal level for him, but I hope continue to be surprising for our country because we are better than this.
May 1, 2017
When Trump made a phenomenally oblivious comment about Andrew Jackson and the Civil War, Clinton needed only one word to strike him down.
Mar. 4, 2017
When the news came out that, lo and behold, the Keystone XL pipeline might not be made using American steel after all, Clinton for one wasn't shocked.
Feb. 16, 2017
After Trump appeared to dodge a question about anti-Semitism at a joint press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Feb. 15, Clinton called him out on Twitter, saying,
Feb. 3, 2017
When Trump was getting ready to roll back the Dodd Frank Act, thereby deregulating Wall Street, blogger Greg Sargent tweeted, "Who could have predicted this?" Clinton shot back.
Feb. 1, 2017
Clinton apparently had some feelings about a speech given by Trump during a breakfast commemorating Black History Month, in which he went off the rails and launched into debunking the myth he had removed a bust of MLK from the White House. (Because that's how you should spend your airtime as president honoring black people.)
Jan. 29, 2017
The historic month was marked not only by President Trump's inauguration on Jan. 20, but by the Women's March the following day and the march on Jan. 29 against the executive order limiting immigration and travel. Though she didn't mention the president by name, it was clear she was standing opposed to his policy.
Despite Clinton's barbs at the president, she had the class to defend Barron Trump from online haters, which Melania Trump thanked her for.
We can all appreciate a good shutdown, and if we haven't seen enough from her already, Clinton is sure to keep up the pressure.