10 Things My Mom Taught Me That I’ll Definitely Teach My Kids One Day

by Rachel Chapman

There's no one I trust and love more than my mom. She's that perfect combination of a best friend and a role model. Luckily, I've had years of watching her in action, so I feel more prepared to take on the role myself, and there are some really awesome things my mom taught me that I'll teach my kids one day.

If you have an amazing relationship with your mom, you know that whatever lessons she taught you when you were a kid have likely stuck with you to this day. It may not be all that obvious, but she's constantly leaving you with little nuggets of wisdom. They could come in the form of long stories that have great morals, or just little comments here and there that make a major impact.

There are obvious life lessons parents might teach their kids, but then, there are the very specific ones that need to be written down somewhere. I don't know about you, but I feel like my mom is a genius guru the world has been #blessed with.

As my best friend, confidant, and number one advice giver, I go to my mom all the time. I call her at least once a week, and hope for some of those motherly nuggets of wisdom. That's why I know I'll be passing down these 10 life lessons my mom taught me to my kids one day.

01"Be nice and genuine to other people."

Rachel Chapman

My mom always showed me that being kind, genuine, and compassionate to other people is the best way to live life. You're making a positive impact on the world when you treat every person how you'd want to be treated. It just takes one person to make another person's entire day.

02"You can be anything you want to be."

My mom was the first in her class of engineers at a time when men were constantly telling her that she didn't belong there. She didn't listen, followed her dreams, and has achieved the most incredible things. Not only does she constantly tell me, but she has always showed me that I can be anything I want to be.

03"You can always come back home."

My mom always pushed me to go after my dreams and reach for the stars. She also reassured me I could come back home whenever I wanted to. I learned I needed to feel safe to try new things and master #adulting, but also that there's a safety net to catch me if I fell. My mom is and will always be my safety net.

04"Start saving your money as early as possible."

I'm not going to lie, it's difficult, but I'm working really hard on this one. Even a little savings here and there can become huge after a few years. My mom taught me it's best to start as soon as possible.

05"If it doesn't make you happy, it's not worth your time."

Even when a hobby wasn't my forte as a kid, my mom was always there to assure me it was totally OK. If I'm not happy, it's not worth my time stressing over it. I've taken that advice with me into jobs and relationships.

06"Taking time off is important and necessary."

Rachel Chapman

My mom taught me that everyone needs a break every once in a while, and it's important to go on vacations at least once a year. It's necessary to put away your jam-packed planner, unplug, unwind for the adventure, and soak up every second of the quality time spent with your travel buddies.

07"Call your family."

My mom's always reminding me to call my grandma. Even though I'm great at checking in, it's a nice reminder that family always comes first.

08"You Deserve The Best"

My mom has told me since day one I should never settle. She tells me that I deserve the best, and it's OK waiting for the best to come. I know how lucky I am to have a mom like her, because I'm not feeling any pressure to get married or stick with a job I'm not happy with. She knows my worth, and reminds me of it daily.

09"Good, loyal friends are important."

My mom always wished for me to find an amazing group of friends. She knows how important it is to find your squad — a group who supports you endlessly, has your best interests at heart, and makes you laugh until you cry. Since this is so important, it just reminds me to take care of the good, genuine friendships I do have.

10"It's OK to watch your favorite movie over and over again."

Rachel Chapman

My mom shared with me her passion for movies. She taught me that it's OK to love something so much that you want to watch it over and over again. We love You've Got Mail so much that we quote it on the regular, and have even visited places from the movie when we were in New York together.