Scientists Say Moms With Bigger Butts May Give Birth To Smarter Kids
Aesthetic appeal aside, a big derrière might be beneficial to women by helping out their children.
A 2010 study from the University of Oxford, popular once more, connects the big booty to healthy children, crediting the Omega 3 "good" fatty acids present in the mother's body for the extra boost.
Scientists proved long ago women who carry weight below the waist are less likely to fight heart disease and high cholesterol.
And fat deposits like those in the hips, butt and thighs store heightened levels of Omega 3s, the same fatty acids that help babies' brains develop properly.
Evidence shows the fats in a mother's breast milk comes from the lower half of the body, which means that all those Omega 3s become a part of baby's balanced breakfast.
But this idea isn't new: Research dating back to 2007 showed that gluteofemoral fat is key in producing smart offspring.
In fact, University of Pittsburgh study author William Lassek even hypothesized men could be attracted to women with large bottoms as an evolutionary way of ensuring successful children.
Lassek's gone so far as to publish a book on the subject, titled "Why Women Need Fat."
As with all studies, it's important to note fitness and diet are also important to overall bodily health. Hourglass-shaped bodies, if they're not cared for properly, can be just as unhealthy as those who carry weight around the core.
The bottom line? Stay active and healthy, because carrying "good" fat below the waist is most likely the result of genetics.
And that's an idea we can get behind (sorry).
Citations: Women With Big Bums Healthier Than Those With Smaller Derriu00e8res, And Their Kids Are Smarter (Huffington Post)