
Incredible Dog Sniffed Out Evidence That Helped Take Down Jared Fogle

by Eitan Levine

Good, I'm happy porn-sniffing dogs exist in 2015. It's about time dogs got more opportunities to advance in law enforcement.

Humans may be responsible for doling out the punishment for Jared Fogle, but they'd be nowhere close to throwing him in jail without the help of the police's K-9 unit.

Meet Bear, a 2-year-old black Labrador and an integral part of the team responsible for taking down the former Subway spokesperson on child porn charges.

NBC News reports Bear and his crime-sniffing nose tracked down an important thumb drive his human counterparts missed when doing sweeps of Fogle's Indiana residence.

Bear's trainer, Todd Jordan, told NBC News,

Each micro SD has thousands of photographs on there. Each photograph is considered a victim.

Not unlike dogs trained to pick up the scents of fugitives or drugs, Bear, as well as a select few of enforcement dogs like him, is specifically trained to search out electronic media devices such as SD cards and thumb drives.

Jordan said,

The internal components of the SD cards, from what the chemists have told us it really doesn't matter what it is. He will hit on an SD card, a thumb drive, iPad and whatever the components are inside of that, whether it's the metals and coppers that are all intertwined together, it's significantly different than a remote control or an alarm clock.

Jordan knows this tactic works because he uses distractors, or other non-computer electronic devices placed throughout test fields, during training to make sure the dog knows to pass over them and get right to the important stuff.

At first, Steven DeBrota, prosecutor of the US Attorney's Office, was skeptical this tool would work, but when the evidence started to come in, he knew the police found "a key part of the team” in the fight against child porn -- specifically in regards to Fogle's case.

This isn't the first time Bear was used in the field.

Along with an investigation involving the arrest of Olympic gymnastics coach Marvin Sharp, Bear apparently participated in at least three other probes.

Bear was reportedly sold to the Seattle Police Department for $9,500 to help investigate other Internet crimes.

Jordan said he plans on training more dogs like Bear in the future, and since these dogs' talents aren't exclusively based on content, the dogs could potentially be used to find other electronic media, like in cases dealing with terrorism.

You can watch the full report on NBC News.

Citations: Porn Sniffing Dog Helped Bring Down Subway Star Jared Fogle (NBC News)