Ivanka Trump's Silence On Women's Health Is Deafening — EXCLUSIVE
Women's health has been under attack since the election of Donald Trump, and it's past time for Ivanka Trump to address it.
As someone who has built her image on the concept of empowering women, it's noticeable that Trump has not spoken about the health care threats women around the world face because of her father's administration.
Six female members of Congress sent a letter in mid-May asking Trump to meet with them and "engage in a constructive discussion about the importance of preserving access to affordable birth control and other forms of contraception for women across the country."
The members of Congress include Reps. Judy Chu, Diana DeGette, Louise Slaughter, Suzan DelBene, Barbara Lee, and Jackie Speier. I spoke with DelBene for Elite Daily about the letter on Monday, June 5.
Ivanka has yet to respond to the invitation, according to DelBene.
The letter says that the Congresswomen found Ivanka Trump's silence on the AHCA passing in the House "surprising."
This was especially true because the AHCA is "a disastrous bill for women and their families," the letter reads.
They add that they were "disappointed that [Ivanka] did not voice concerns about this step in the wrong direction for women" when President Trump signed a law that lets states take away funding from organizations that provide abortions.
The Congresswomen chose to reach out to Trump specifically because of her voiced support for women's issues.
"I'm definitely skeptical of that, but she expressed some interest, so we wanted to make sure we reached out because these are critical issues and there's been concerning news," DelBene says.
The group just wants to have a "factual conversation about women's health" with someone in the Trump administration.
"We wanted to highlight in this letter that we're willing talk to anyone in this administration to engage in a constructive dialogue about these issues," DelBene says to Elite Daily.
But so far, nobody in the administration has chosen to respond.
"We need the administration to understand how important this is," DelBene says, "and [Ivanka Trump] is a member of the administration and has been someone who is supposed to be taking up these issues."
There have been many attacks on women's health since Donald Trump was elected.
"We can't allow the president to roll back the clock on women, and we need to highlight all the issues where this is starting to happen," DelBene says.
During the election, Donald voiced an anti-abortion platform and spread factually inaccurate information about the procedure.
As president, he reinstated the "Global Gag Rule," putting vulnerable women abroad at risk. He appointed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, who has never identified as a pro-life advocate but has ruled against contraception access.
The GOP's health care plan, which Ivanka celebrated, gives states the option to take away protections for pre-existing conditions, which overwhelmingly affect women. The plan also defunds Planned Parenthood and makes pregnancy more expensive.
Meanwhile, the administration has been pointing towards taking away birth control coverage that was secured by President Barack Obama.
If Ivanka truly wants to position herself as the women's expert in the Trump administration, she needs to start talking about health care.
These members of Congress just want to have a conversation with Trump about the many ongoing threats to women's health.
"I'm skeptical about her commitment to stand up on these issues, but my colleagues and I want to make sure that she is informed and give her the opportunity [to discuss]," DelBene tells Elite Daily.
Trump has been present at White House meetings on various women's issues, has represented the United States in discussions about women, and is pushing for a paid family leave policy.
But you can't call yourself a voice for women and not talk about the basic well-being of women in America and around the globe. It is inexcusable that Trump has not spoken up at all about women's health under this administration.
"We need to stand up against the attacks that have come from the administration, and if there's someone in the administration who's going to be that voice and speak up for women, then we want to make sure that we talk to that person," DelBene says.
So far, it doesn't seem like Ivanka Trump wants to take on that vital responsibility.