
I'm A Black Man And I Refuse To Let A Donald Trump Win Defeat Me

by Shaun B.

It's been about a week since America elected Donald Trump as its President-elect.

As I sit inside this eclectic internet cafe in Northwest Washington DC, I feel a sense of normalcy for the first time in the last 48 hours.

People seem to be cheerful, relaxed and for the most part, focused on business as usual. This mood is a far cry from the previous 24 hours.

As America's jaw collectively dropped as the results of the 2016 presidential election became apparent, the morning after had a weirdly ominous feeling to it.

As cloudy skies and rain blanketed most of the Northeast, there was an overwhelmingly somber tone in the air. No matter which side of the election people were on, we all felt a way.

An overcast of every emotion from anger, fear and sadness to feelings of uncertainty, quiet excitement and curiosity of what's to come overtook the nation.

A long-brewing revolution of sorts had just been capped off in America. No matter where on the political spectrum one stood, nobody was quite sure what to make of it.

What is for certain is an overwhelming sadness, fear and anger that overcame most minorities and women.

For the first time in recent memory, an OPENLY, racist, xenophobic and misogynistic man was elected leader of the free world.

What do we make of this, and where do we stand are questions we continue to grapple with days after the election.

I've gotten a headache trying to make sense out of it. In fact, the more I try to make sense out of it, the more upset I get.

I'm not even upset at Trump himself. I'm definitely not afraid of the man, either. I mean, after all, he is a businessman who saw an opportunity and capitalized off it — to the detriment of many.

I am troubled with the American public who elected him.

I'm not even upset at Trump himself. I am troubled with the American public who elected him.

We hired a guy with literally no experience, not to be merely an employee, but the leader of the free world.

Trying to make ration of that only leads to headaches. It also leads one to start wondering what the real reasons this happened could have been.

The foregone conclusions that myself and many people have been coming to are sickening.

I won't even mention them, but I will say that a clusterfuck of complications both nefarious and well-intentioned led to this disastrous election.

I'll go ahead and just call it a moral victory for regressionists.

As we watch people of all races dread the prospects of a Trump presidency, I can't say America is divided among racial lines. America is divided, but the division lies more along the lines of those who want progress and those who don't.

Some of us want to go forward toward an America that actually lives up to the promises made in our constitution and the promises our flag symbolizes. You know, that liberty and justice for ALL stuff?

Some people, however, want to go back to a “better time" — a time where things were more simple and the “American dream” was actually achievable. They fear change and perceive it as a threat, as opposed to an obstacle to overcome.

That, my friends, is the definition of a loser mentality.

Winners want to get better; losers want others to be worse.

Donald Trump's election was a moral victory for a dark aspect of America. It represents a victory for a deep-seeded loser mentality in a nation of winners. I refuse to be defeated by losers. It's unAmerican.

This is the reality I have to face — that WE have to face. Our country showed us the prosperity of those who don't fit into certain category is against the nation's best interest.

Too bad. That feeling of defeat that I, as well as good portion of the country felt yesterday, is gone. I refuse to succumb to a losing mentality.

We are a nation of winners, and I do believe things will play out that way. This nation, or myself, won't be held back by losers. America is still great.

Sorry, not sorry.