
Casey Anthony Reveals Why She's Scared To Have Another Kid After Caylee

by Oliver McAteer

Casey Anthony has opened up about her thoughts on having another child nine years after the death of her daughter, Caylee.

The 30-year-old — who was once dubbed "America's most hated mom" by people who widely believed she was behind the death of her 2-year-old — revealed her concerns about becoming a parent again in an interview with AP.

She branded herself "dumb" to think of having another child, and shared worries about him or her potentially getting bullied.

She said,

If I am blessed enough to have another child — if I'd be dumb enough to bring another kid into this world knowing that there'd be a potential that some jackass, their little snot-nose kid would then say something mean to my kid — I don't think I could live with that.

The revelation comes as Casey once again threw blame of the 2-year-old's death on her father George Anthony.


Casey was found not guilty after a controversial trial in 2011, but made a string of unproven allegations about George at the time.


He has since responded to the allegations, saying "his heart hurts even more now." His statement to People read,

After years of silence, Casey Anthony has decided to complete an interview and has once again pointed to George Anthony, her father, as a suspect in the disappearance and death of his granddaughter, Caylee. George, who has continued to try and move forward from this tragedy and who was vindicated on multiple occasions, is once again forced to relive the hints, rumors, lies and allegations that are being made by Casey Anthony. He has specifically stated that "his heart hurts even more now."

The alarm was initially sparked back in 2008 when police were called to Casey's house after her mother, Cindy, reported Caylee missing.

Casey told police it had been a month since she last saw her daughter.

Caylee's remains were found in the woods near their house.

At the time, the court heard how air samples from Casey's car indicated the presence of human remains.

Citations: Casey Anthony speaks out about the death of her daughter (AP), Casey Anthony Reveals Her Thoughts on Having Another Child 9 Years After Caylee's Death (E!)