
Why You Will Be A Failure

by Elite Daily Staff

There are two types of people in this world: winners and failures. The dichotomy projects a simplistic differentiation, but what distinguishes these two types of people isn’t an arbitrary line’s divide. There is an intrinsic worldview that winners grasp and that keeps failures flailing.

No one remembers second place, no one remembers how close you might have come or the bullshit excuse you gave yourself when you didn't make it. If you have a dream, like most people do, and you don’t aspire to it, you have failed. And you have failed because your purpose has slipped from your hands.

Many people take a stab at it and chase their dreams with hope of achieving success. Of these people, about 10% actually realize their dream and take their life to the place they have envisioned it. The other 90%: the failures. They’re the ones who couldn’t cut it, couldn’t figure it out and gave up on it.

To separate yourself into this elite class of winners, I have provided the reasons people fail in life – so that you might not end up in their boat, but rather on your own yacht in the Mediterranean.

You Are Weak Minded

The separation of winners and failures occurs primarily within mindset, the state of mind you are in when you embark on your journey. Some people forget how important the mind is to playing the game of life. Your mind is what dictates your perception, which is what you use to propel you and push you.

If you ask any successful person, they will tell you that it’s all in your head. Your head is what determines how badly you want it and how much you are willing to give up for it. It controls your subconscious and it keeps your thoughts positive in order to motivate you.

A weak mind is a mind filled with self-doubt and negativity, which causes people to become failures. If you doubt what you are doing or are uncertain about the outcome, you will fail. If you tell yourself you’re on the right path, you’ll be a winner.

You’re Afraid of Failure

People are afraid of failure because they see it as a form of rejection, and no one wants to be rejected. So being afraid of rejection, they will let their dream wash away. You can’t be afraid to take the risks that are needed to achieve your goals. You won't take the extra mile, you won't make that phone call and you won't give it your all because you’re unsure.

You’re afraid to be a loser, you’re afraid to be turned away and you’re afraid to learn a lesson from your failures. People look at failure as an end, but it can be a way to learn from your mistakes and ensure that you are constantly pushing your boundaries outside of your comfort zone.

You Are Too Obsessed With Money

Failure comes with uninspired goals. When people set goals they envision all the cool things they are going to do with all the money they are going to make. But these goals are artificial and lack the core motivational qualities to give your dream a purpose.

Purpose is not something you can buy, but something you need to find. Thinking about what sports car you are going to drive is not going to push you beyond your limits. Putting food on your family’s table and creating a better life for them and the next generation will.

You Procrastinate and Are Lazy

Being successful takes up a lot of time. You have to be married to your dream. It is the highest priority and there is nothing that comes above it. That is what it takes. If your priorities are not in the right place, you will fail. If you are distracted, you procrastinate, you are lazy and you love to leave things for tomorrow -- tomorrow may never come for you.

You Don’t Give it Your All

Success only comes to people who give it their all and who will stop at nothing to get it. For people who quit half way or can't handle all the obstacles that come their way, failure is inevitable. Throughout the course of your journey you will be tested to make sure this is right for you.

Most people give up because it’s too hard. These tests require you to go the extra mile and give it everything you have. You will fail because you will hit the brakes once these obstacles get too much for you to handle.

You Are Too Afraid to Take the Leap of Faith

Success requires you to take chances beyond reason. It requires you to leave your comfortable life and all your credentials behind. It’s not the easy way of life, and it is damn sure not something everyone can handle. You may be miserable with your job or where you are in life, but you will complain about it instead of actually doing something – like taking that leap of faith.

Closing Thought

You will fail if you allow any and all of these things to get in your way. It all comes down to you, and nothing outside of that. If you want to be miserable with what you’re doing in life, then keep on the path of failure and it will meet you there. But if you go beyond your limits, then your success will meet you there with a bottle of champagne.

Preston Waters | Elite.