Three women hang out on a rooftop as the three zodiac signs who will have the worst month of Novembe...

November 2022 Will Be The Worst Month For 3 Unlucky Zodiac Signs

Prepare to hibernate.

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Now that Scorpio season’s settled in, you’re probably feeling the effects full force. As a fixed water sign, this season is all about making cautious, carefully thought-out decisions, especially when it comes to emotional expression. Since the essence of Scorpio is inherently about protecting oneself, every sign is bound to feel the urge to keep their cards pretty close to their chest this month. While this tactic can be beneficial for many, there are certain people who are bound to experience this energy much differently than the others. Because of this, November 2022 will be the worst month for three zodiac signs, so don’t be surprised if they go MIA.

Scorpio is an emotionally driven sign all about guarding oneself from unexpected events, especially if it involves abrupt change that is out of one’s control. As a result, this is a time of year where everyone is fixated on maintaining as much authority as possible. While this can lead to success in many ways, it can also create issues when it comes to being open, intimate, and vulnerable with others. Since the following signs are typically active and open-minded signs, this season is bound to clash with their innate characteristics. Moving in silence can be helpful at times, but these signs will experience quite the learning curve this season:

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Aries: You’re Being Called To Set Important Boundaries

Scorpio season’s centering your relationships and boundaries with other people in a pretty major way. This month, you’ll be called to consider the role you play in other people’s lives, and whether you show up too much (or not enough). This is an area where you typically like to exercise a lot of emotional control, but as the sun passes through your eighth house, you’ll be called to do a deep dive into these themes. Is the fear of emotional vulnerability keeping you from connecting with others? If so, this season is prompting you to confront these feelings.

Gemini: Your Habits Are Being Restructured

This season, the sun will continue through your sixth house of work and health, prompting you to take a closer look at your rituals and daily habits. This is an area of your life where you tend to prioritize plenty of resilience and control, but it may be time to make some adjustments. Are you satisfied with how you’ve been spending your days? If not, don’t be afraid to loosen your grip on any old routines you’ve been practicing. Switching it up may be exactly what you need in order to be your most productive self.

Sagittarius: Your Top Priorities Are Withdrawal And Seclusion

As Scorpio season continues, you’ll be prompted to do a deep dive inward regarding your mental health practices. Now is the perfect time to take a closer look at the habits you’ve maintained behind closed doors, Sagittarius, especially since your season is right around the corner. If you’ve been too immersed in habits that are doing you more harm than good, take a step back. Don’t be afraid to take a social media hiatus, or skip an outing or two with your friends. You need to rest in every sense of the word. Once your season comes along, you’ll be feeling more social than ever.

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