Young woman with red sunglasses during the week of May 31, 2021, waiting for her weekly horoscope.

Your May 31 Weekly Horoscope Is Full Of Ups And Downs

A total roller coaster, TBH.

by Roya Backlund

The sun is in Gemini, encouraging your desire for knowledge, social connection, and all sorts of intellectual stimulation. But that doesn’t mean Gemini is the only sign at play this week. On June 2, romantic Venus will enter the sweetheart of the zodiac: Cancer. This will infuse the rational and logical thinking of Gemini season with heightened levels of emotion. Fulfill your desires to cozy up with your loved ones in all your favorite and most familiar places. However, your May 31, 2021 weekly horoscope is just beginning, and it’s about to get wild.

Before the astrology becomes challenging, you may feel a sense of calm and confidence guiding you through the first half of the week. The sun will form a trine with Saturn — planet of commitment and discipline — on June 3, which will give you so much strength and self-esteem, but only if you’re willing to work for it. Saturn encourages you to do whatever it takes to become your best self, and this week, you may find the courage it takes to put in the work. However, June 3 is also a day filled with so much pleasure and excitement, because this is when Venus will form a trine with larger-than-life Jupiter. This will attract so much positive, abundant, and loving energy, encouraging you to go all out with the romance and the fun. Don’t hold back, because it’s time to live it up.

You might notice a stark shift in the energy by June 5. This is when Mercury retrograde will square off with dizzy and disorienting Neptune, which could make it even more difficult to focus on reality and the task at hand. You may feel extra confused during this time, and you may find yourself being forced to separate your imagination from the truth. This, combined with the fact that aggressive Mars will oppose dark and manipulative Pluto, may open you up to more arguments and disagreements than usual. If there are any deep-seated tensions or resentments lingering beneath the surface of your relationships, this is when they may come flying out. However, Mars opposite Pluto can also be incredibly empowering, especially if you’re willing to look your mistakes and failures in the eye and promise yourself that you’re going to come back better than ever. Lean into it.

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You’re tapping into your emotions and you’re expressing how you feel. There’s nothing wrong with needing to feel understood. Embrace the healing that arrives when you let go of your fear of being truly seen. However, there may be tension in your career toward the end of the week and you may have difficulty balancing your professional life with your personal life. Let this tension guide you toward your next move.


Your social life is bustling with enthusiasm and excitement. You may find yourself making new friends and feeling inspired to express your thoughts and opinions with so many incredible people. However, there’s a chance a stimulating discussion could easily turn into a heated debate. Try not to get so hung up in the details when the big picture is just as important. Attempt to see things from all sides.


You’re realizing your potential for growth this week. All sorts of possibilities and opportunities are opening up for you, encouraging you to feel hopeful about the future and all that you can accomplish. It’s important that you keep your vision in mind, because right now, things may seem a little fuzzy and exhausting. If you’re struggling to find the right path to success, don’t worry. It will present itself to you soon.


So many wonderful things are headed your way this week. You may be in the mood to explore, go on adventures, and indulge in all the splendors that surround you. Embrace the beauty of life like it’s your last day on Earth. However, by the end of the week, you may be struggling to find harmony in your relationships. If you find yourself dealing with negative energy from someone else, learn when to put up your boundaries.

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Things have been up and down in your relationships for the past few months, but this week, you’re feeling comforted by how strong your social life is becoming. Embrace the new people you’re meeting and the associations that will take you far. However, you may feel overwhelmed by the tasks and responsibilities that keep piling on you this week. Learn when to say no, because your well-being comes first.


You’re receiving so much supportive energy as you work toward your goals this week. It’s a beautiful time to finish projects you’re behind on and put effort into establishing a beautiful daily routine. However, you should be extra careful of placing too much trust into a partnership, especially one in which the terms aren’t super clear or defined. Feel the situation out before making judgments.


You may feel very enthusiastic about your plans this week. You may even feel eager to start getting ahead and put in the good old-fashioned hard work that success requires. Try to make the process just as inspiring as the end result will be. However, your personal life could get in the way of your ability to focus on your professional goals. It may be time to sort through personal issues that have been waiting for you at home.


You may be feeling way more romantic than usual this week. If you’re in a relationship, you’re in a beautiful position to inject more passion into the mix. If you’re single, it’s a great time to hit up a couple of cuties and enjoy the dating scene. However, taking things slow may be the best course of action, because you may be craving something dangerous and intense. Remember — your heart always comes first.

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You’re embracing a moment of stability and growth in your relationships this week. It’s a beautiful time to learn how to communicate effectively and say exactly what you mean. If fear is holding you back, have faith that your words are strong enough to be heard. You may not know exactly where your relationships are headed at this moment, so don’t get lost in the future. Focus on what you see in the present.


You may start making a lot of new friends this week. You may even feel more drawn to your current relationships. Either way, intellectually stimulating energy is flourishing in your social life, reminding you of all the reasons people can be awesome. If you feel confused and disorganized by the end of the week, it’s no shocker. Get important tasks out of the way first so you don’t have to worry about them later.


You’re encountering a powerful moment to start working on your creative projects and tapping into your artistic side. Tap into the magic of inspiration, but remember that getting better at your craft requires patience and discipline. However, be careful of looking for inspiration in ways that may leave you feeling depleted. You may have the tendency to overindulge or overspend, so remember your limits.


You’re swirling in good vibrations this week and all you might feel like doing is setting aside your worries and having a good time. There’s no reason you shouldn’t embrace this energy. Do something that brings a smile to your face and reminds you why you love being alive. However, be conscious of the fact that you may have the desire to escape from your emotions. Remember to stay grounded and aware of yourself.