70 Hanukkah-Themed Group Chat Names That’ll Give You A Latke To Talk About
Pick a name that will light up your convo.
Hanukkah — aka the Festival of Lights — has begun, which means the texts from your family have also started. The eight-day, eight-night celebration is all about spinning dreidels, delicious latkes, lighting the menorah, and spending time with the people you care about the most. While you may be getting together in person this year, a lot of families are still celebrating the holidays virtually, which is why some Hanukkah-themed group chat names are a must.
Most families already have a go-to chat where you keep in touch with your siblings and parents throughout the year. There may even be an extended family chat with your cousins who are your BFFs since day one. These big family group chats typically have a family-related name like an inside joke or punny version of your last name, but with the holidays, it’s time to give your chat a festive upgrade. Basically, you need some Hanukkah-themed group chat names to match the current conversation.
If you’re chatting with your fam, you’re definitely making plans to check out some Hanukkah festivities in town or delegating who is bringing what to dinner. You may also be sending adorable snaps of your lit menorahs back and forth, which is why you need an equally as lit Hanukkah group chat name. Your chat is the best place to share all the group pics you take for everyone to save to their camera rolls, and it’ll be easier to find when it’s named something like a Hanukkah pun.
You could even reference some of your favorite Hanukkah-themed episodes of TV shows in your Hanukkah group chat name if watching them have become a tradition for you and your cousins each year. Whatever the vibe of your crew, you’ll be able to find the right Hanukkah-themed group chat name from this list of 70. There are even enough names for you to change it for each one of the nights of Hanukkah if you’d like. It’s whatever lights your menorah.
- A Whole Latke Love
- That’s How We Roll
- Alanis Menorahssette
- Happy Hanukcats
- Happy Challah Days
- Beginning To Look A Latke Like Hanukkah
- Happy Hanuk-Can You Not?
- Oy To The World
- Donut Think You’re Ready For This Jelly
- It’s Lit
- A Chrismukkah Miracle
- Fogelt About It
- Boom Shaka Latke
- This Is How We Jew It
- Ain’t No Challah Back Girl
- Hanukkah Matata
- Funukah
- Drop It Like A Top
- Gelt Digger
- Maccabee Mine
- Love You A Latke
- Gelt-y Pleasure
- Happy Llamakkah
- Peace, Love, & Latkes
- Holiday Armadillo
- A Latke Talk About
- Latke Fun Together
- Dr. Dreidel
- Meowzel Tov
- Light It Up
- Let’s Gelt Together
- My Maccabees
- Maccabee Together
- Just Keep Spinning
- On Fire
- Menorah Blahniks
- Chabad To The Bone
- Hebrew Crew
- Eight Days Eight Nights
- Hallel, It’s Me
- Oil Always Love You
- Light Up My Life
- Drinking Dreidels
- My Menorahs
- Donut Worry
- Donut Know What I Would Do Without You
- Lit AF
- Menorah-Saurus
- Better Eight Than Never
- Keep Calm And Eat Latkes
- Having A Matzo Ball
- You Glow Girl
- My Miracles
- Spudtacular Crew
- Couldn’t If I Fried
- Oil Be There For You
- Frinally Family Time
- Oil I Need
- Hanukkah Happenings
- Gimme All Your Gelt
- Hotter Than A Menorah
- Let It Glow
- Get A Candle On It
- Light It Be
- Catch You Lighter
- We Flame To Please
- Taters Gonna Tate
- All’s Fire At Hanukkah
- Never Drei-Dull With You
- Love And Light
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