
5 Ways To Master The Perfect Mix Of Adventure And Chill This Summer

by Rachel Chapman
Farsai C/Unsplash

In a dream world, our summer weekends are filled with adventure. But in reality, nothing sounds better than chilling out and staying in bed all day after a long week at the office.

I can't hit the snooze button faster.

It's true you deserve and need your rest to function, but you know in your heart you want to make the most of all these spectacular sunny days.

It's honestly one of the hardest things to decide between a day of relaxation, or a day of adventure.

You might think it's impossible to have the best of both worlds, but with these few tips, you can totally have a great mix of both chill and adventure this summer.

1. Turn Saturday Into Your "Funday," And Chillax On Sunday

I know the term is Sunday Funday, but what if you prioritize Saturday as your "funday," and keep Sunday as your complete relaxation day?

You could reverse the two if you want, just as long as you stick to it throughout the summer months.

You're #blessed with two days every weekend to do whatever you want with them, so you might as well use one for chilling out, and the other for getting lit with your girlfriends.

2. Hit That Snooze Button, And Party It Up At Night

Nomao Saeki/Unsplash

You can also reap the benefits of both by sleeping in on your weekends, and partying hard at night.

The days in the summer are longer, so you don't really feel like you're wasting the sun by hitting that snooze button a bunch of times.

This way, you're planning a ton of adventures, but you're able to recover in the morning. You don't need a jam-packed weekend. Catching up on your sleep is just as important.

3. Turn Up One Weekend, And Take The Following Weekend Off

If you don't want to split up every weekend by having one relaxing day and one partying day, you could alternate weekends.

Plan one weekend full of beaching and partying it up. Checking off something exciting from your summer bucket list, or travel someplace with your friends.

Then, the next weekend you can take it easy and do something chill at home. Set up an at-home spa in your apartment, and pamper yourself with a bubble bath and your favorite bottle of wine.

4. Don't Forget The Importance Of Staycations

Cynthia Magana/Unsplash

#NeverForget, staycations are the relaxing vacations where you stay in town. As fun as vacations are, they can be a bit stressful with all of the traveling, dealing with a massive suitcase, and figuring out an itinerary.

A staycation allows you to take it easy, while also exploring hidden gems you never checked out before.

Use up as many weekends as you can with staycations. Go to that cool restaurant you've always wanted to try in town, or you could even take a guided tour of your own city.

5. Seek Out Adventurous, Relaxing Activities

Not all relaxing events can be a total drab. On the contrary, you can find many adventurous, relaxing activities you'll probably enjoy.

For instance, going to a spa with your squad can be a combination of the two. Take a trip to a nearby spa, where the whole point of the getaway is to refresh your mind and body, while also having fun with your girls.

Believe me, I know the importance of making this season an epic summer you never want to forget. But sometimes, those summers can really burn you out.

You need to find a balance, and it's totally possible. I wish you the most epic, but totally chill summer yet.