7 Hilarious Cuffing Season Memes That Perfectly Describe Your Single Life
Cuffing season is a real thing. Once the weather gets cooler and we're done swooning over the sizzling summer, it's time to make some cuddle buddy decisions. Cuffing season is that period of time when everyone gets a boo to keep them company when the weather outside isn't so pleasing. No one wants to be alone, and the upcoming weather doesn't necessarily allow for spontaneous companionship much like summer does. And because we live in such a digital world these days, there are definitely hilarious AF cuffing season memes.
The best way to get through a stressful or strenuous situation these days is to either draft or find a meme that embodies it. Call it deflecting or coping, but chances are, if you made it out of a bad situation laughing, you found a meme or two that guided you on your way. Being single is a blessing and a curse during cuffing season because for some people, it becomes your sole task to be with someone as the temperatures drop. Well, there's a meme for that whole grueling process of cuffing season that perfectly describes your single life.
1. When You See The Cuffing Season Approaching
it's cuffing season... so where my holiday boo at pic.twitter.com/1mK6szu8dQ — dean (@bbydeanie) August 18, 2017
Again, there are actual signs cuffing season is approaching. Before you know it, everyone has a boo and they're posing for one week anniversary pictures. Didn't you just see him on Tinder last week?
2. When You Refuse To Get Excited About Cuffing Season
Cuffing season pic.twitter.com/NFeZB0hygH — Obain (@C_obain47) August 2, 2017
The first step is to deny, deny, deny. You may repel the idea because you really don't want to put the energy into this made up season. Maybe less really is more and if you put in as little effort as possible, cuffing season will pan out just fine.
3. But Then, You Suddenly Have A Change Of Heart
Join the Fan Club for updates on Cuffing Season:The Anthology. https://t.co/rwYoqDT8Ds#imwriting#LetsGetCuffedpic.twitter.com/CDNT9ddBzM — Cuffing Season (@LetsGetCuffed) August 21, 2017
OK, putting in no effort was a horrible idea. What were you thinking? Closed mouths don't get fed and it's time to start marking up the drawing board and devising a plan.
4. And You Aren't Opposed To Weighing Your Options
that moment when @MellowMone of all people sends you a meme featuring Joanne & the oh-so-glorious cuffing season pic.twitter.com/SNe3UoeKB1 — Georgina (@TrademarkTricia) September 30, 2016
One of the major factors in cuffing season is being able to choose from a plethora of options. Now, these options may just be what you think is available. It doesn't always play out in your favor.
5. When You Consider That You Don't Have Options
It's almost cuffing season and I've got nobody...again pic.twitter.com/NjJffeqeba — Bite Me (@yorstrulay) August 11, 2017
Having no options would be cuffing season's way of not going in your favor. It's not until you actually want to consider your options that you figure out you don't have any. Sheesh, cue the blunt realizations.
6. None Of This Is Simple, Seriously
Answer: cuffing season pic.twitter.com/TZH461icDU — NotBait (@YourRealLeader) August 7, 2017
Isn't it a little creepy that people have cuffing season down to a science? Or is it more creepy that people would probably take their Cuffing Season 101 course if it was readily available? You pick the lesser of two evils.
7. To Each His Own, Right?
When it ain't cuffing season yet pic.twitter.com/CEo4IZpmD8 — Leah Cash (@Leah_Cash) July 20, 2017
OK, maybe alcohol isn't the answer to everything, but to each his own. We all paint our own little silver linings to cope with cuffing season. So, if Jack and Daniel have never let you down, then never let them go. Regardless of whether you're participating in this man-made season, just make sure you're happy. Ultimately, isn't that what finding someone any time of the year is about, anyway? Don't let cuffing season make you lose sight of your happiness.