6 Funny Halloween Costumes Guaranteed To Make Everyone At The Party LOL
When it comes to Halloween costumes, making a few people laugh with your creativity is a great feeling. It can be a challenge to find funny Halloween costume ideas, but the reaction you'll get is worth the trouble you'll likely go through to get there. If you're willing to put in the extra effort to channel your inner comedian, you'll undoubtedly be the most memorable part of this Halloween. For anyone struggling with brainstorming, there's a miraculous resource available to you called the Internet. The world's funniest and most clever minds rendezvous online, giving you easy access to their brilliant ideas. Bless you, Internet.
Whatever kind of humor you're going for, go for it with complete confidence. Even if not everyone gets the joke, you can have the privilege of explaining it over and over and over again. You'll get to laugh about your humor all day long, even while helping others understand it. A word of advice for the amateur comedians out there: A universal joke will get a much better reaction than an inside joke. If you're just getting together with your friends, go ahead and poke fun at the things only you understand... but a clever joke that's more widely understood will probably get a lot more laughs.
You can never go wrong with a meme or a pun, so keep your eyes open and your online presence active. Shop around for something clever, or make your own costume if it comes down to it. Most importantly, enjoy yourself throughout the process, because getting a laugh, even if it's your own, is what really all that matters.
1. Your Older Self
New post (Grumpy Old Man and Woman | Creative and Funny DIY Costumes For Halloween ...) has been published on - https://t.co/IV3nMQ0GFK pic.twitter.com/qDN8FSO15j — DIY Halloween 2017 (@diyhalloweencos) August 22, 2017
You'll be recognizable at your friend's huge Halloween bash, but you'll still be festive and funny. Dressing up as your older self is a great way to poke fun at stereotypes, which will get a laugh out of anyone who knows you. Best of all? You won't need to buy any expensive costume to make this look come to life.
2. Something Punny
Absolutely PUN-derful Halloween Costumes https://t.co/gF8O0yGGMu #funny #lol pic.twitter.com/NmvkvJvJjt — Jessie Rodgers (@jessitirodgers) January 1, 2017
A surefire way to get a laugh is to be clever in the most unexpected way. Thankfully, puns are here to help. All you need is a little creativity and a great idea, so put on your thinking cap.
3. Anything To Embarrass Your Friends
https://t.co/Z08gvQ5irn When your daughter does not care for your choice of Halloween costumes funny tumblr ☆ Fac… pic.twitter.com/XPGEaj1w0v — LOL Factory (@LOLfactory) October 30, 2016
Are you really a true friend if you don't make your friends want to leave the party without you so they don't have to be seen with the person dressed as a Care Bear? No, no you're not. Needless to say, it's time to get brainstorming.
4. Your Fave Snapchat Filter
5 Funny Halloween Costumes That Actually Won't Offend Anyone - https://t.co/CJaWfS1QU5 pic.twitter.com/wL1vjFaLPh — Her Campus UCF (@HerCampusUCF) October 29, 2016
If you have any artistic skill, using makeup to turn yourself into your favorite Snapchat filter will be just as impressive as it is funny. Snapchat is pretty widely recognized, so you probably won't have to explain what you're supposed to be. Best of all, you can wear whatever clothes you want.
5. A Play On Words
Last-Minute Pun-tastic Halloween Costumes via /r/funny https://t.co/xEBmEhB2aj pic.twitter.com/1xBZ89Ou1f — hottnchill (@hottnchill1) October 28, 2016
Especially if you fall into a stereotype or engage in an activity that could fall victim to some unusual humor, you'll have a lot of inspiration for a DIY costume. You can rep anything from "Bee-Yonce" to "Booze Light Beer" to get a few laughs, so choose wisely. Do what you can to represent your joke, even if you have to give it away a little.
6. A Meme
#halloween #costume 2016 part two, @history #aliens #meme and an #alien with @kitkaate https://t.co/5KjnOwbVkD pic.twitter.com/Ow77GDweFU — RickyWinowiecki (@RickyWinowiecki) October 30, 2016
If you want to rule the Internet humor, a meme is the way to go. It's like an inside joke among the web users of the world, so you'll definitely have some laughs on your side. You can find street clothes to represent most memes, so you'll be saving money, too.