
9 Ways Millennials Really Fail At Being 'Politically Active' On Social Media

by Alec MacDonald
Shutterstock/Alec MacDonald

Political discourse in this country has become, at this point, about as thoughtful and respectful as a 72-hour vampire orgy in the center of the Vatican on a bed made of dead priests' parts.

(I'll give you a moment to exorcize that vivid but extremely accurate image from your mind before I continue. Ready? OK, let's press on.)

This election has almost nothing to do with actual ideology anymore and everything to do with us all having fallen head first into a boiling pool of hatred and political humblebragging.

The battleground for this kind of both horribly vicious and extremely vain political discourse, of course: the internet -- specifically, social media, which has been a veritable minefield of idiocy and hatred for the past year.

And it's only going to get worse in the next few months, as the political fever threatens to make us all start literally foaming at the mouths and plucking out each other's eyeballs with soup spoons.

So, I decided to create some generalized examples of all the dumb ways Millennials are "politically active" on social media.

Now, of course, social media can also be used intelligently and effectively. I'm just talking about when it's not -- which is constantly.

The "Sharebrag"

Alec MacDonald

Social Media Meme (Type #1)

Starz/Alec MacDonald

"Selfie Politics"

Shutterstock/Alec MacDonald

Twitter Mobs

Alec MacDonald

Social Media Meme (Type #2)

Shutterstock/Alec MacDonald

Social Media Meme (Type #3)

Shutterstock/Alec MacDonald

The Twitter Truth-Teller

Alec MacDonald

The Facebook Rant

Alec MacDonald

Social Media Meme (Type #4)

Shutterstock/Alec MacDonald